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Rejected Steal Castle | ID:22539 | EMS Corrupt Bio

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May 1, 2022
Name: Steal Castle
DOB: 03/25/2004
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Sexuality: Straight
Place of Birth: US
Residence: Los Santos, Vinewood
Parents: (im adopted)
Weight: 169 LBS
Height: 5'11
Natural Eye Color: Ocean Blue
Natural Hair Color: Black
Tattoos: Right Arm, Has a singular rose tattoo with a dagger through the rose.
Facial hair: clean

Growing up

When growing up Steal Castle robbed ATM's and 24/7 stores. He was always a criminal when introduced into the city, the people who guided him were criminals and business people. When being guided into the city he was fresh meat and many people were holding him up and robbing him. Steal Castle got tired of being harassed and getting mistreated, Steal Castle asked his guides on how to defend himself and protect others who also get mistreated. His guide told him to go outside the city and own a bunker. When Steal Castle found out that he can own a bunker, he found many things inside of it. Steal Castle started crafting many different types of guns and ammunition's, when having many guns and ammo he found out he can sell illegal items in the black market.

Present Life

Steal Castle decided he wanted to become good and wanted to give back to the community, so he became an EMS and treated people with medical care. He has treated many people in and out of the hospital. Since Steal worked in EMS he has seen people die right in his hands. With being that he has felt people die in his hands over and over, he coped it and didnt have any feeling of seeing people die anymore and was starting to become cold blooded. He got ranked up and is now a Junior EMT for EMS and is hopefully climbing up the rank ladder. Steal Castle now has access to many other stuff in the hospital. Steal still had his passion for guns and many other weapons. After getting off EMS duty he goes to his local gun range and shoots all his guns/weapons. Steal has flashbacks of when he did drugs and dealer runs with his family, but he holds back because of his EMS career.


1. Steal Castle can have a weapon in his backpack while on duty
2. Steal Castle can go to ghetto off duty and do "Ghetto clapping"
3. Steal Castle can loot guns and ammo from injured patients, after a gunfight ended
4. Steal Castle can take medical stuff from medical cabinets and can make truth serum, to inject victims and get information
5. Steal Castle can sell/buy illegal items from the black market
6. Steal Castle can rob atm's, 24/7 stores and banks off duty
7. Steal Castle can get hostages and offer demands for the hostage

NOTICE: Most of these outcomes are going to be me "off duty". Except "1" "3"
1 and 3, I can do on duty. If approved.
I will still use /me and other RP commands
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Josh Kiri

Former LI and EMS Leader
Mar 26, 2022
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Pablo Schmidt

Do i know u?
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 27, 2021
Bio Approved
However, Outcome 3: Make sure there is no looting in middle of gunfight. Not allowed to do on duty.
Outcome 4: Make sure to use RP command (/try only)
Outcome 5: Make sure you do not sell any org stuff in Black Market.

Remember, You can still be punished ICLY
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