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Rejected Vurdurur Family | Unofficial Organization

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Ohma Tokita

Jan 27, 2022
Family Name: Vurdurur Family
Family Owner: Abdulcabbar Bolo | 8816
Family House Number: 1756
Family Founder Discord: yzcfps_#1803
Family Owner Forum Link: Abdulcabbar Vurdurur


Abdulcabbar was born in 1990 in Turkey. While he was growing up in poverty, he met poor people like himself, started his family, and they started working illegally and helping the poor. One day, the Vurdurur family moved their business to Los Santos to make their name known not only in Turkey but also all over the world. Abdulcabbar wanted to be the owner of the city because he was a person who was constantly persecuted, he was the owner of this city, he will punish everyone who persecutes him one by one and will do everything in his power to make it happen. Losantos' biggest family and together with his family will overcome everything.

Vurdurur's Business Model
There are many different types of people in the Vurdurur family.
Their common weakness is money.
They also do illegal jobs such as robbing people, stealing cars or burglarizing houses, or they do legal jobs such as farming, firefighting, auto repair.

Family Rules

1. Cursing Is Forbidden
2. Respect everyone!
3. Everyone should listen to the leader.
4. Stealing from family is instant blacklist

Family Ranks
1 Brother:New Member
2 Bigbrother: Person who tries to prove himself by helping everyone in the family
3 Guard: People who have proven their permanence in the family
4 Soldier: Person who manages family robberies
5 Turfer: People involved in Family wars
6 Business Class:Controlling Family Businesses
7 Deputy Leader:The leaders favorite peoples taking family leaders when the family leader is busy.
8 Vurdurur:Unregistered leader of the famıly.

Short Long Terms
Short term goal is to recruit more players into the family to participate in new events around the clock
Introduce ourselves to everyone

Long Term Goals
Our long-term goals are to get tribute from all businesses in the city and to be on top of all families.
Entering the top 10 and getting a job for everyone in the family

Family Clothes

Family logo
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