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Approved RDM/VDM/Bullying/Sexual Harassment, etc. IDs 23703 and 23664

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Players nickname
Suspect ID
23703, 23664
Date of violation
Oct 20, 2021
Time of violation

Penelope Lime

Oct 20, 2021
I'm posting everything in its entirety, despite my possibly being cited for a few rule-breaks myself. I don't care. The abuse and harassment toward me/other women deal with has been the most expected of experiences I/we can expect in our daily gaming routines in this server it seems, and if I'm expected to adhere to "RP Rules" as I'm being stalked/VDM'med/etc., I'll take whatever punishments you see fit. It was worth it. So much happened, over the span of over an hour dealing with these two that however long this gets, it's what's required to report on the level of prolonged, stressful and infuriating bullying/abuse I've seen in a while, never mind dealt with. (Note: I uploaded them onto youtube under 'unlisted', allowing only those with the link to them to see. If that needs to change, let me know.)

The first video starts a few seconds before my picking up IDs #23703 and #23664 in my cab and moments later, after backseat-driving me and my reply, 23703 hollers "shut up!" to which I slammed the brakes and told them to get out. They only ordered me to keep driving, while I kept ordering them out. There's some spitting back and forth, mostly from my end (no regrets, as previously stated). Notes of interest, with timestamps to the video links I provided:

First video:

2:51: #23703 steps out of the car and punches me in the face, #23664 mainly dancing around us as we fight until it's obvious I'm besting 23703. It goes two-on-one for a small while until I get 23703 unconscious/dead, leaving me with 23664 left. After a while going back and forth, he bests me and "celebrates" in calling me a bitch and laughing over his "big win".

*There is unrecorded footage between this and the second video of 23703 and I re-meeting inside the hospital. I'm guilty of bringing the incident up, going against the New Life rule, but leave it where it is in just saying how 'sorry I had to do that/your friend avenged you (saying 'me' by mistake)' before we leave the hospital.*

Second video:

Start of vid: What seems to be a 'let bygones be bygones' is initiated by #23703, shaking hands and, at least how I saw it, both of us cooling off after some tense stuff. He offers me a ride since I'm heading to the taxi station on foot, but I decline based on 1. not trusting him entirely, and 2. honestly not minding a run, as my endurance/stamina is great due to running around.

2:12: #23703 follows me into the trainyard/bridge area now rejoined (likely preplanned, of course) with #23664 again, all to start going at me in both words and physical attacks. I spit back, and readily (if not eagerly) admit that I went as hard as I wanted to. I bring OOC mentions of how much footage I'm picking up through bodycam, taunt them, etc. Still don't care.

**2:25: MOST NOTABLE MOMENT in my view**: when mentioning my bodycam and making reports, #23664 taunts me in telling me he's friends with admin/staff in some way, saying he can "call him/them" over whatever report that comes in about him. I'd be interested to know who this is, as they've led a player to think that they can do whatever they want to other players without consequence. By the way they'd acted so overtly, without fear of any staff intervention, some digging needs to be done into that staff. It's already bordering on dangerously toxic af in there, with way too many people (not just women, I've seen guys getting bullied loads as well). If you want a dead server, keep the 'buddy-buddy' arrangements up. Trust me, the city I came from went down due to this disparity, playing picky-choosy games with besties, and f*&k the lot who complain about them.

3:23: #23703 hits me with his car.

5:07: #23703 steps out of his car to approach me; I'd remembered that I happen to have a golf club on me. Though I bring it out, it's only to prep/let them know I have SOME-thing as I go off on them. Still don't care. 23703 begins a string of emote-requests ranging from kissing to slapping me, while 23664 starts giving me money at random, 23703 joining him.

5:12: while taunting them with a "is this why you guys came here, cos' you can't do it in the real world?" #23664 replies that he came here to 'come inside yo' (note: his mic quality wasn't very clear/cut-off at random, so that's a direct quote). I don't mention this to express how sad and bad I felt over it, I'd invited it, bringing THEIR sexuality into things (something these types of guys have trouble processing). I

9:18: I start saying outright "leave me alone". They don't, continuing to follow me and act erratically/dangerously with their cars and actions.

11:12: I reiterate my "get the fuck away from me" wishes. They don't, continuing to follow me and act erratically/dangerously with their cars and actions.

11:58: #23703 attempts to VDM me again, the fence I was climbing over coming apart underneath me (and #23664) yet oddly keeping me safe.

12:10: I reiterate my "get the fuck away from me" wishes, this time adding that "if you don't leave me alone, I will fucking lose it on you." They don't, continuing to follow me and act erratically/dangerously with their cars and actions.

12:22: I reiterate my "get the fuck away from me" wishes, tacking a 'please' on at the end. They don't, continuing to follow me and act erratically/dangerously with their cars and actions.

12:31: I reiterate my "get the fuck away from me", "leave me the fuck alone!" "what do you not fucking understand??" wishes. They don't, continuing to follow me and act erratically/dangerously with their cars and actions.

12:39: as I promised them, I 'lose it' when #23664 persists on chasing/following me and I start beating him with the club. Once he goes down, #23703 rushes in to try and fight me, again, but he only goes down, again.

*Another unrecorded bit involves me and two others (not sure who) who'd witnessed the fight, us standing near where it all happened, from above/streetside looking down. #23664 had returned and was repeatedly bashing his car into the fencing structures under the bridge as if trying to crash through and get to me/us, but failed. #23703 however showed up, all to rush at me, punch me in the face then scurry away back down to where his buddy had been crashing around.*

There's still more. Not MUCH more, but... without going into mad detail, the third video is incomplete but started due to #23703's continued stalking of me and finding me yet again on my way to the cab station on foot, DEFINITELY breaking the New Life rule over and over by the time I took the footage. He's brought his friends, who honestly didn't seem to know what was going on entirely, and they did nothing. It's the last interaction I've had with him thus far. No footnotes, details, nothing, it's all there.

As I said and will say again, whether in-game to them or to you; whatever punishments I might have in store for me are fine. I won't argue on anything strictly rule-related or seen as Big No-Nos. But expecting anyone to deal with this level of fucked-up behavior, actions and grossness and stay in-holy-character so THEY don't get in trouble is ridiculous, especially with these types of players who so flagrantly break rules and get out of answering to their actions due to a bestie-admin they can always run to. Even if he DOESN'T have that kind of connectivity, it's just as gross to intimidate a newbie, acting like they've got the edge and to not bother fighting it.

So yeah. I did it, and I'll do it again if I have to.

Jonathan Thomas

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
Jun 28, 2021
This report is Accepted
ID 23703 will be punished for Provoking and VDM
ID 23664 will be punished for Provoking​
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