i was banned yesterday under gen rules 3.2, i have been playing this game from last 4 days only and other player used word "motherfucker" first and then i asked him only what you gonna do ? gonna go cry to your mommy after he said me that He has admins as his friends , runs Gangs and can get me kicked out of this server ( he started threatning me ), i didn't even abused his parents he was the one using the word motherfucker , I am new Player been Grinding From Last 4-5 days and i've just turned lvl 5 yesterday , i was 3 hours away only from getting maserati instead of muting me for 180 minutes ( as a warning ) and let me playing the game i got straight banned if you think i deserve a second chance i have no problem with 180 minutes mute . I became victim of biased ruling because the admin that banned me did'nt even game a chance to explain my side even though i admitted what i said instead of lying to him. The other player on the other hand who abused his powers of personal relations got me banned within seconds got away with it even after insulting me for being new player and said the word Motherfucker as well