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Babu Pluxury

Apr 12, 2022
Name: Babu Rau
Gender: Male
Race: Brown
Nationality: Indian
Date of birth: 01/01/1998
Place of Birth: India
Grand father: Awais Malik
Father: Zeeshan Mirza
Mother: Eva Mirza
Weight: 80
Height: 6'
Eye colour: Black
Hair colour: Brown
Facial hair: None
Tattoos: None: None
Sexuality: Straight
Favourite hobbies: Web Developer, Undercover, Travelling, Hiking.
Strengths: Can handle situation calmly, can make friends quickly and get information.
Weakness: Impatient.

Early Life
Babu Rao was born in a small village in India.His family was not rich enough for his school life and his needs but his family could afford him the useful things that he needed. Although he never complained and lived his childhood happily, after some years he passed his 12th with great marks and he had an aim to join the police force to serve his country and to overcome the slavery and poor life of the people of India that live in small towns just like Babu. Well with gods help he succesfully joined the police academy and after some years he did managed to get selected to be a police officer, His work was so wonderfull that after 2 years he got promoted and was transferred to another town which was popular for bandits, thieves, robbing, killing etc.

Babu joined LSPD but he didn't get training so he have to leave LSPD after so days he studied medical studies and started his journey as EMS employee after working hard for one and half month he became surgent and re-commanded FTO, then after he joined DOC (GOV) and worked harder and harder for 1 month working like 16 hours a day and became DOC secretary but after the at the ending the term of Government he joined NG and worked hard and became Captain of NG so same as Government at the ending term of NG he joined SAHP and got CID rank and chases many bad officer, so SAHP got disbanded again so he joined SAHP again and got Master Sergeant and is trying to server them.

1. Babu can take a balaclava off-duty for his undercover work and he promises that he would never steal SAHP gears in his life coz SAHP is just like his own family. (Babu cannot store ORG stuff)
2. Babu can take bribes up to 20K to manage his basic needs.
3. Babu can reduce the sentence or may even release the suspect for the betterment of his org.
4. Babu has a good aim in weapons just like his father and can take 2 suspects at a time.
5. Babu can go in the ghetto and can shoot at random without reason to take his revenge on gangs.
6. Babu has a genetic problem that he cannot live happily without undercover work. So sometimes he can take a SAHP vest to attend with a revolver for undercover work.
7. Babu is bias towards his family members so he can release them or reduce their sentence.
8. Babu can kill on/off duty who is not listening or complying.
9. Babu can loot the guns and ammo after the gunfight is over.
10. Babu can torture criminals to get the required info as evidence or intel for detectives.
11. Babu can sell looted armoury from the gunfight in the blackmarket and can also buy stuff. (not his org weapons coz he pledged that he won't sabotage his org).
12. Babu carries with him always the truth serum. which he can inject it to suspects to get some information.
13. Babu can confiscate weapons from people for personal benefit.
14. Babu can recognize anyone by voice. It's a special ability and he got it from his father.
15. Babu Can Become Hostage for good amount of money.
16. Babu can destroy anyone's bodycam by breaking it.

Pablo Schmidt

Do i know u?
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 27, 2021
Bio Approved
Outcome 6: Do not attend events off-duty
Outcome 8: Do not break Gen rule 6.15(RDM)
Outcome 9: Make sure you do not Loot in middle of gun fight.
Outcome 12: Make sure to use RP command (/try only)
Outcome 13: You should have proper IC reason to confiscate.
Outcome 14: Rejected
Outcome 15: You can take upto $20k as bribes.
Outcome 16: Make sure to use RP command (/try only)

Remember, You can still get punished ICLY
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