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Ron Atkin

Jul 3, 2021
The Atkin Family
"Vincit cum legibus arma" ... "He wins over violence with laws"


Atkin Cartel has had many triumphs and tribulations in the past. The higher ups of the cartel have been living in Los Santos for almost 50 years. Atkin began as a small group of friends living in the ghetto. They had to deal with gang members every day while just trying to live the simple life and make a name for themselves. From getting robbed on their own doorstep to getting knocked unconscious inside their own home, Atkin had to learn from the very beginning what it took to make it in this city.

Atkin quickly got to work and began grinding their way to the top. Gathering resources and some illegal activities helped that stack their family warehouse and bank account. They used this to eventually gain business which helped them progress towards the top. This wasnt easy for them, however, as many attacks on the family house got in their way. Some were defended but some really took a toll on the family. The Atkin's never let this get in their way and never surrendered.


Last Of Atkin knows how difficult it will be to stay clean and make it in Los Santos, however, they still want to keep some morality and integrity around their name. They have long term goals of owning many businesses around the city with a focal point on one day buying out the Vanilla Unicorn. The Atkin Cartel feel like they know what it takes to make that running a successful business in this city and are working towards one day making that dream a reality.
In addition to owning the Vanilla Unicorn, the family has long term goals of one day making it into the top 5 families in the city and staying there. We think we not only know what it takes to get up there but are also prepared enough to grind our way to the top. From day one, we have done nothing but move up the leaderboards. We feel our consistent time and effort will only help us continue to move up the ranks of the families in the city.
Our third and maybe most important goal is to create a tight-knit home for anyone in the city. We want people to know that when they join, it is not just another family where they will be a number. It is truly a home-ly feel and will help make finding their way in this city much much easier. Every person we have brought in we have taken care of with care packages, money, cars and whatever else they need to feel comfortable in Los Santos and get their feet on the ground. We make sure no matter if it is their first day in the city, or if they’re 30 years old, we will help them every step of the way.

Make it to top 5 and stay there.
Be a tight-knit home for new and old people in the city.

Current State

Currently, the family is doing extremely well for its young age. We are attending as many events as we can, recruiting every day and raiding pretty much every night, participating in every event. We are encouraging our members every day to join various different organizations in the city so we can be as diverse as possible. We have many family cars for our members to use and weapons as well. We feel that the ability to steal, rob and attend more events will only help us achieve those goals.

Business Model

Atkin Cartel business model consists of:
Maintaining family businesses
Buying and reselling weapons and ammo.
Sale of other black market items.
Robbing people in the ghetto, Sandy Shores and Paleto.
We offer part-time job benefits to our family members who bring us seeds, minerals, fish, timber, wires and more.
Odd jobs they find around the city to make money.

Descriptions of Ranks:
Novice: Brand new members of the family.
Professional: No longer a new member in the family but still needs to learn their way around the city.
Soldier: Will assist the family with events and business operations. These people are still learning the way of the family and city.
Elite Soldier: Will assist the family with events and business operations. These people have shown they know their way around the city and are starting to put in an effort for the family as well.
Specialist: Will assist the family with turfs, events, business operations and recruitment. These people have proven their worth to the family and have shown they can be relied upon.
Second Lieutenant: Assist the first lieutenant in day-to-day operations of the family. They should be helping with family businesses, recruiting new members to the family and attending events as much as possible.
First Lieutenant: They have access to most things in the family and are trusted with day-to-day operations of the family. Those with this rank are expected to help run the family. These members make up the Upper Management team for the family.
Captain: The highest rank possible without full deputy access. These are the most loyal and responsible members of the family. Next in line to run as deputies and are in charge of other ranks.
Deputy Commander: Assists the leader with day-to-day functions of the family and ensuring they are all running smoothly, no matter what it takes.
Commander: Leader of the family.

Colors: Blue and Black

David Pluxury

You see, but you do not observe!
Jun 19, 2021
Provide all the details mentioned below!
Family Name:
Family Founder Name & ID:
Family House Number:
Family Owners Discord:
Family Owner Forum Link:

David Pluxury

You see, but you do not observe!
Jun 19, 2021
I Accept your unofficial ORG bio, thank you for applying,
enjoy and don't break any server rules, and don't go against the server scripts.
You will be given unofficial status within 48 hours in-game and discord.

Chris Mazoku

Jun 11, 2022
Do not meet the requirements for unofficial org
(Apply again after completing the requirements)
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