my ID 1161171 i got ban yesterday and it says gen 6.3 yes i do have a gov stuffs but i bought a lot in the black market to start a family and also i was part of vasgos back days and i used to rob take hostages on the highway to get that stuffs i have a prove and that shows i have gov stuffs and i bought it at the black market and i do buy from a vagos gang member in the gam it was cheap on the black market thats why i bought a lot and now its says i got ban for having gov stuff and the reason why i am saying sorry is when i was member of the gov i used to not fill in my log when i go off duty and i think thats the reason why i am ban and i believe they think i have stole but the only only think i stole from the gov was 3body armor,2 balaclava and 3 ar but asaid that i all of the others at black market and this gov stuffs i have it in my trunk for more than 1 and half month was trying to create a family and sometimes i do not fill my log and i think thats the reason why they i have stole from the org and i have issue with my account sometimes it sway rage connection lost and then says you are ban from this server so i thought it was same issue and i have been ban for 2 times without any admin did it am so sorry i stole 2 balaclava,3 vest and 3 ar even that one it was subs and i crashed i did not return to the game again and i was part of vagos 2 months ago i use to rob and take hostages to get those stufs and also i bought a lot from black market to start a family i was having the gov stuffs a month ago before joining the gov but i am sorry for what i stole like i could say i stole