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Your ID
Players nickname
Chicky Opps
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Aug 20, 2022
Time of violation


Just better
May 8, 2021
Grass is this nice green soft thing that you can find outside it feels great to touch perhaps you should try feeling it chicky


Nov 16, 2021
Grass is this nice green soft thing that you can find outside it feels great to touch perhaps you should try feeling it chicky
I literally was out all day at work then went to at a festival for your info. All these reports in a mere few hours of gameplay. Check the timestamps at the bottom right. Not my fault your family cannot figure out how to stay out of trouble every chance they get they break rules purposely.

Pentium III

Apr 15, 2022
Another topic, again same Chicky. I will reply them one by one for your knowledge you asshole.
ID 80862 CL
Less than a min POV, next time start recording earlier you dumb, LMAO, and there are no shots against you, just the POV of a logged player. Maybe crashed or etc, not certain. Unclear report.
ID 173639 Running into GZ
It looks like you shot and you sneakily chased after. and ID 173639 left from there by car where you are, you piece of shit. No one has to suffer your stupid actions.
ID 81326 Not following demands + Toxicity (Calling people Retards)
ID 0000 Mercy Killing (Was not the white car)

Hahahaha. He said exactly what you deserve, why it hurts you? He says exactly "My hands were up you fucking idiot, I can't reput them up you fucking retards" between 00:02-00:07. It means he followed your demands before of your POV and you can't consider as a FearRP or against another rule. After that moment he follows the RP also. And about Mercy killing? HAHAHAHA.
Chicky, you start to believe your imaginations pal. Go to fuckin hospital first.
ID 195389 VDM (used his car to assist in my death)
Another hahahahahaha. You guys drove into him and tried to get into trouble. After that, they clap your asses and you guys started cry. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Next ^^
ID 724 Killing Taxi Driver
That taxi driver came there when they robbing your friend you asshole, maybe it was from your lovely fam? Is that coincidence? Who knows ha. Unclear report x2.

ID 188794 CL (Start of clip & 0:34)
ID 45767 Running into GZ

About ID 188794, he was another ppl who disconnected. Do you know what is definition of CL? You weren't event there you asshole, you came there just after he logs off and blaming him for CL? If you don't, you learned rn, and FUCK OFF ^^ You were also horning around dead bodies, can we count it as a provoke or something like that? If we can, you did it. If we can't, you should be ready to everything around of your dead bodies ^^
About 45767, I can say same reason like ID 173639. Is it forbidden to run away from assholes? If it is, let's put this into rules and we gonna try to stay away from you and your shitty fellas. Unclear report x3, he just wasting our time lol.

ID 58070 Intentional VDM to save his family from rob
He was there for his fam member, is it another forbidden behavior? I guess you already know that you are fucking alone in this game, but I can say it from our fam, we aren't. We always back up and support each other in any case ^^
Another pointless and irrelevant report.
Do admins still consider your reports? They shouldn't I guess, you are just a ponnie who is wasting time. Next.

Here are clips of my other gang members experiencing rulebreaks from this family
ID 195389 Provoking & Animation after death
Another clap time. Jaj. Our guys were really great. And there is no tolerance for crying babies you shit. He was animated against you, not to dead body. And in my opinion, you get what you absolutely deserve ^^

After all it happens, Imma talking about screenshots, they just invited you back wherever they can reach you guys. And James warned them via clubchat, so they stopped to calling you guys. So what? Start thinking before blaming them. If you gonna start cry again when you clapped in the ghetto, don't fucking go there you loser. They haven't be gentle and kind against you guys, it was because of your attitudes. And you CAN'T blame other ppl after you provoke them hard. Remember always, you guys started it. Not us. Next.
Lastly, Please refer to Unoff Rules #5 and #6
5.If multiple members break a Rule the family will Receive a Warning.
6.Warnings are Removed by the Curator, when the Curator decides that the Family is doing a Good job, Active and not breaking Rules.

As you can see within the past two days, Playboy has broke many rules as a family.
This is only from two instances which I captured, I can only imagine the amount of rule breaks when I am not around!
How are they allowed to continue this each day they end up breaking more rules than the last,
not sure if this constitutes as a good job, but I will leave this up to the curator to decide.

And finally, we are here. Keep your imagination for yourself you loser. It sounds like your stories and your shitty gray reports. I don't care who the fuck you are but if you don't stop following/chasing our members, I gonna be much more aggressive against you. It's my word, and I always keep my words.

All is fine.

Pentium III

Apr 15, 2022
As I said several times, You need to get banned from this server. I would like the admins, who are evaluating or evaluate this topic related to the Playboy family, to spare time for the previous topics and titles of Chicky. There are a lot of comments out there where you can really get an idea of Chicky. I always keep what I said, I'm %100 sure that he is a loser and these attitudes of him prove it.


Just better
May 8, 2021
I literally was out all day at work then went to at a festival for your info. All these reports in a mere few hours of gameplay. Check the timestamps at the bottom right. Not my fault your family cannot figure out how to stay out of trouble every chance they get they break rules purposely.
Ur tits reach ur cock I’m surprised ur able to stand up and go to a festival, why not enjoy the game instead of being a bitch crying on forums about every little rule break that I’m almost positive you yourself have broken before.

Sergio Spanking

Life is a race so be racist !!
Jul 25, 2021
Trust me man, if you would have put this kind of efforts in your studies, you would have been a better person from what you are right now. The only organization that needs u right now is ng so that you can report people whole day. U need grass touching badly.


Jul 31, 2022

ID 80862 CL

ID 173639 Running into GZ

ID 81326 Not following demands + Toxicity (Calling people Retards)
ID 0000 Mercy Killing (Was not the white car)

ID 195389 VDM (used his car to assist in my death)

ID 724 Killing Taxi Driver

ID 188794 CL (Start of clip & 0:34)
ID 45767 Running into GZ

ID 58070 Intentional VDM to save his family from rob

Here are clips of my other gang members experiencing rulebreaks from this family
ID 195389 Provoking & Animation after death

Here is Playboy harassing / provoking my family in club chat
(They keep saying come back to ghetto provoking us to breaking NLR rule)
They also are extremely toxic as you can see without us really responding at all

Lastly, Please refer to Unoff Rules #5 and #6
5.If multiple members break a Rule the family will Receive a Warning.
6.Warnings are Removed by the Curator, when the Curator decides that the Family is doing a Good job, Active and not breaking Rules.

As you can see within the past two days, Playboy has broke many rules as a family.
This is only from two instances which I captured, I can only imagine the amount of rule breaks when I am not around!
How are they allowed to continue this each day they end up breaking more rules than the last,
not sure if this constitutes as a good job, but I will leave this up to the curator to decide.
i think this chicky guy should be banned for baiting reports considering his forum history.
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