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Charles McKnight

Aug 13, 2021
Your IRL Name: Charlie
Your Age: 17
Time zone: GMT
Average online per day: 2-3 Hours (Will be increased)
Your Discord: Forcestriker10#2674
Your Nickname: Charles McKnight
Your ID: 25402

Leader of SAHP

Charles McKnight

Hello, I would like to start by thanking you for reading through my application for SAHP Sheriff.

Personal Profile
For many of you that might not know, I have been a high command in many different organisations, which include being Deputy Governor and the Sheriff of SAHP, taking the responsibility of the organisation when the leader is absent and making sure there is no punishments given to the organisation.

During my time in the city, I have gained valuable experience from being Head of the USSS and being Head of Department, while also having some time as Homeland Security, during my time in SAHP I have risen in the ranks and have been involved in almost all departments, including Internal Affairs, Recruitment and training, then looking over all the departments as Sheriff.

2. Why I want to become leader of this specific organisation?


I have noticed that there is a lack of numbers attending store robberies/hostage situations during the morning times, making it so we are often outnumbered and must flee the situation. This is giving SAHP a negative view from the public eye, and that we are not strong enough to fight back in these situations.

The plan to improve this is to consistently host open recruitment drives, as well as being open to any transfers that we are approached with, especially during the morning shifts. I would also like to have internal events every week to give the old and new officers a chance to prove what they can do and bring to the organisation, while also bringing attraction from the public.


Having had leadership experience in the organisation it is clear to see that we stick to the same procedure when it comes to patrols, this could include speed traps or attending to ATM robberies. This again is something that has been in the works for improvement over the past few terms and led to the introduction of SRT and Area Commanders. There are however some new ideas that I would introduce to the organisation.

I want SAHP to be involved in more Ghetto Patrols as it not only improves the role-playing experience for SAHP, but also for the gang members. This creates a more hostile environment between gangs/LEO which I would like to see in the future.

I feel that as my time as leader I was a little bit unlucky with the timing as we were approaching the academic year for most people, so the activity was smaller. I feel that I could do a better job at making sure people are out on patrols and towing for the next term, with the time of year it currently is.

New ranks and roles

One thing I liked about the old Sheriff: Jayden Hill. Is that he was not scared to change the format of what SAHP has been for many terms.
In saying this I would aim to keep some of the ranks put in place, but also bring in some of my own such as:

- Assistant Sheriff will be turned into Chief of Staff
- SWAT will once again be SRT
- Most of the standard ranks will become Trooper-Lieutenant

This is just some of the changes I would make in the organisation, as I feel the SAHP ranks have been based on LSPD and the meaning of SAHP has been lost when making some of the roles.

3. Your advice for improving Role Play level in organisation.

As stated in my last application the level of RP in SAHP is still at a great standard, however in my 2 terms of being leader I saw multiple officers break RP and rules, giving SAHP a bad name. I would love to improve this and give myself a chance at redemption to make SAHP a great place for RP.

To keep improvement on this I would continue to increase the amount of / commands that are used in the organisation, especially during the arrest and with negotiations.

I would also like to have a more increased relationship between other organisations such as LSPD and FIB, by hosting meetings with everyone's leader of Special Divisions and the leaders themselves
I would also like to move forward with the negotiations team, creating more RP for lower ranking officers and allowing them to see the other side of the barricades at a store robbery.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application
-Charles McKnight

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