- Hi good evening. We had an argue with someone at the casino. We got some consequences. My family mambers get mutes or jail punishments for a reason. I got 7 days ban because of insulting parents. Fİrst of all Im sorry to say that but we are doing a family roleplay called ''asiret'' in Turkey. Asiret means like family group of thousands of people, very traditional, very strong ties. Before the bad word I said, he insult my sister in the game he said couple times ''I will give you the gun if you give me the girl'' The girl is my sister in IC and that kind of words unforgivible for our family traditions. After he said that word I just tried the hold myself but at the end I can't hold it anymore. I know I should hold myself that kind of words don't suit me and Im very sorry for that. Im here with sponsored channel called ''Cyberulz'' and Im with his crew we are streaming together. I have some responsibilitys to him I know I shouldn't say these words and again Im sorry for that. Do we have a chance to make this punishment like a going jail and mute or something like that ? While we are in role I say these words to the man IC because of his insult to my sister.
- https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/17448/