So i hit a biker by accident one time wich he didnt even render for me only when i hit him i seen him and i looked back made sure he was alive better take off from gas station and i get demorgan for CR yip man accepted a 30 second clip when the rules says u need 1MIN clip for admin to accept report i get if hes having a bad day everyone has but that report he accepted its not CR thats an accident i hit him once i was not CAR RAMING at all like a server with 900 players everyday i brring out my bike i get runned over 20 times in 30 mins like anyone everyone is flying up and down the city there is no rule that says i cant drive on the wrong side of the road .
like for him to accept this report the guy that got runned over by accident either his friends with yip man or yipman has something against me idk if i ever did something to him IC that got him mad at me but i think this punishment is totally wrong by his side and runned my roleplay experience i was having at the moment with my family with 120mins demorgan because of an accident and not CR .
like for him to accept this report the guy that got runned over by accident either his friends with yip man or yipman has something against me idk if i ever did something to him IC that got him mad at me but i think this punishment is totally wrong by his side and runned my roleplay experience i was having at the moment with my family with 120mins demorgan because of an accident and not CR .

Approved - CR | 20805
This always happens to me when I ride my bike. People do it on purpose because they know that when you hit a bike driver it will make the biker fly. Here's the POV. You can see how he changed the direction of his ride to hit me, And it is really annoying.