Hello guys, its me 40757 there and I am not surprised of this thread. Since I was driving past by and got aimed at, I took it as a threat and stopped by to fight the one thats been aiming at me. As you can see in my pov I did not shoot the person who is reporting me as long as he was not making threat to me. It was between me and the guy thats been aiming at me in the first place. I did not have intentions to kill his friend too at first, just wanted to shoot couple times for aiming at me and thats all, but he started pulling guns and doing things which I just dont know why. So after I defeated his friend, I went back to my car and saw him running into me which I took as a threat and I eliminated the threat. Thats all I did, I did not come intentionaly there looking for fights but it turned out as it did. Have a good night.
There is my pov.