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Rejected The Irish Connect - Unofficial Org Application

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Aug 27, 2022
Family Name: The Irish Connect
Family Owner: Michael McCallister
Discord: cas#5555
Family house number: 1856 Name and ID: Michael McCallister ID: 53998
Family Owner Forum Profile: cas

Family History:
Michael and his elder brother Jimmy grew up hearing stories of the troubles from their older relatives and family friends, having been born in London, it was only during their teenage years when they were sent to work with their uncles in Dublin did they truly begin to become one with their Irish heritage. Seeing the aftermath of the illegal British occupation of Ireland first hand seemed to flick a switch in their minds and they begun to realise that all the stories they grew up on were not mere fiction, but a reality for their own flesh and blood. Mothers who lost their sons, families who lost their homes. It was only during their third year of living in Dublin that they begun to organise locally with like-minded individuals and started their life of crime by getting back the English the only way they knew how. They quickly became accustomed to using guerrilla tactics to fight their enemy, as must be done when facing such a dominant imperialist power. They stole weapons deliveries, kidnapped prominent members of the opposition government for ransom and even turned the lights out on a few British soldiers.

All of this they did North of the border, where the English still illegally occupied 6 counties of their country, so as to not attract too much attention. Eventually things got a little too heated, with black SUVs filled with men in suits seeming to follow them around every turn. This slowed down their once lucrative activities and eventually forced them to flee to the US. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. They wound up in the city of Los Santos with nothing but the clothes on their backs and a drive that had never been seen before on this side of the Atlantic. After a few years in the city, they eventually found their footing and begun to take more risks with ways to keep the lights on.

Jimmy had become quite good friends with an avid car enthusiast and hard working American man named Tonio, who gave them even more opportunities for growth within the city. Shortly after this, they found themselves another comrade to join them named Yarkin - a young fella with a hell of a work ethic and a big fan of motorcycles. They sat around trading stories and wondering how they could come up in the city when the lightbulb finally clicked in Michael's head that the four of them should go into business together if they want to get a leg up on the competition. So they did. They pooled their resources together, day by day and eventually managed to get themselves a nice family home in the middle of the city where they could store their valuables and plan their growth. This was only the beginning.

Family rules:
  • Treat everyone with respect.
  • No job is too big or too small. Income is income.
  • Honesty amongst family is key.
  • Do NOT snitch. Only talk to police if absolutely necessary - never about the family.
  • Don't be impulsive. Proper planning prevents piss poor performance.

Family goals:
  • Earn respect in the city.
  • Make money together.
  • Become a household name in Los Santos.
  • Take over as many businesses as we can.
  • Bring a new level of hostile roleplay to the server.
  • Make contacts with respected individuals and organisations in the city.

Family rank system:
  1. Michael - Head of the family. More reserved and quiet than his older brother, Michael prefers to stay behind the scenes.
  2. Jimmy - The eldest McCallister brother. Hot tempered and quick witted, he doesn't shy away from anything.
  3. Trusted - Members of the family who are not blood relatives, but can be trusted.
  4. Trial - New members of the family, after a few days will either be moved to trusted or removed.

Family Logo:


Family clothes:

An example of acceptable business attire, jacket and tie optional. An example of acceptable casual attire.

David Pluxury

You see, but you do not observe!
Jun 19, 2021
Get more active members in your family and you can reapply after 7 days if you are able to do it.​
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