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Rejected Aidan QueenQuinn | 49785 | GOV Corrupt Bio

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Lilith Gacy

Daddy's good girl
Jun 23, 2022
Full Name: Aidan QueenQuinn
Gender: male
Age: 20
Nationality: Russian
Place of Birth: Belgium
Residence: Los Santos
Father: Rubenz Queen
Mother: Nalashka Mlotov
Weight: 97 kg
Height: 176 kg
Body type: Muscular
Eye Color: Light gray
Hair color: Red
Tattoos: both arms, both legs, full torso

Early life
Nalashka Mlotov was the wife of Rubenz Queen, the biggest maffia boss in Russia known as Belaya Smertʹ. In 2001, Nalashka became pregnant of the twins but then hell broke lose. When rivals find out that Rubenz had children on the way, they tried locating where the mother was. It all got out of hand and to the point that the family tried to flee Russia. Rubenz killed himself to make sure no one could follow his tracks and find his family. Little did he know, he got betrayed by his only sister Ava after his death. She eventaually found Nlashka, Aidan and Nadia (both 5) in Belgium, 2006. She killed the mom in front of the twins eyes... brutally and left the kids alone with their death mother. Nadia and Aidan had to figure out how to live without a house, parents and horror... They ended up living on the streets for 1 year. Aidan got to learn how to make weapons with little to nothing and kept his sister safe with it. Even if he had to kill a man. They finally got safed by George Quinn, old founder of the first Quinn Family. He raised Nadia and Aidan as his own kids, he also trained them for the hard and horrible world. In 2016, the twins found Avas hideout in Poland and tortured her to death which satisfied their interested in getting rid of bad men. Aidan finally started to become an illegal weapon supplier to the family and friends that raised him and Nadia and provided the family info to keep them safe.

Present life
Aidan is currently in the Second generation of family Quinn. He and his sister supply people around Los Santos with drugs, weapons, ammo and intel (to family and gang friends that safed him) while they are also protecting whoever puts a finger on the family. Aidan made alot of trustworthy and loyal friends in Goverment while being a good high command. His sister also teached him all the tricks that she learned in her years in FIB, NG and LSPD. Because of her, he became a good and protective leader in Goverment. He is loyal to the State because they showed him the right way of handling with his hate for criminals. He can express his angrer though catching gangs, murderers and more.

1. Aidan QueenQuinn can have non-organisation/illegal weapons on her at all time
2. Aidan QueenQuinn wants to keep duty gear in personal vehicle and won't use it unless he goes back on duty/uniform
3. Aidan QueenQuinn can sell/buy items from the Black Market (no state issues items from GOV)
4. Aidan QueenQuinn will supply friends and family the right (/illigal) products (non-state issued) for personal use!
5. Aidan QueenQuinn can loot guns/ammo from fallen enemies and keep for personal use or sell on Black Market
6. Aidan QueenQuinn can go to ghetto off duty and do "ghetto clapping" (kill/rob) if he has protecting his family or friends
7. Aidan QueenQuinn can provide information to the family/friends about missions that might involve his family/friends
8. Aidan QueenQuinn will still be loyal to the state that saved him
9. Aidan QueenQuinn can pay people to get intel to help the State (if possible)
10. Aidan QueenQuinn can fight in the family fights/events if he has to protect againts other families (not against LEO's)
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Pablo Schmidt

Do i know u?
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 27, 2021
Bio Approved
However, Outcome 2: Rejected
Outcome 3: Double check always that you are not selling any org gears in black market.
Outcome 4: Approved but not allowed to supply org gears.
Outcome 5: Make sure you do not Loot in middle of the gun fight.
Outcome 10: Always make sure you cannot fight against LEOs as a family.

Remember, You can still get punished ICLY
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