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Julio Misfit

Me Against The World...
Jan 3, 2022
Name: Julio Ortiz
DOB: 06/10/1996
Gender: Male
Nationality: Dominican
Place of Birth: Detroit, Michigan
Residence: Los Santos
Parents: Amonique Ortiz, Herman Ortiz
Weight: 165 LBS
Height: 6' 4
Natural Eye Color: Black
Natural Hair Color: Black

Life Growing
Julio Ortiz grew up the youngest of 7 in Detroit Michigan and began a life of crime at the age of 14. He joined the westside crips at the age of 16 and began selling drugs and carrying guns on him at all times, he even killed 17 people that were part of a rival gang. People began to call him the phantom killer because of how clean he killed and got away. At the age of 21, Julio Ortiz had never been caught so he decided to change his life for the better and moved to Los Santos.

Once in City
Julio began working as an electrician fixing power generators and satellites. Until he met V and became part of the family. When Julio joined the family he was the lowest rank and one of the poorest ones. Which led him to sell drugs on the Black Market to make cash.

Before Joining Gov
Julio one day decided he wanted to become part of the life of crime again so he called one of his boys up in Detroit whose brother was the leader of the local gang the ballas telling him to tell his brother he wants to meet. The brother agreed to let Julio join only after meeting him and seeing that a living legend isn’t a legend for a reason. But unfortunately, Julio couldn’t keep up with the way the ballas were run and decided that the street life wasn’t for him anymore. One day Julio was looking for a way to get a gun license so he went to the capital to register this was when he met Poppy Lasombra and this is when his life took a turn.

After Joining Gov
Julio Began as a DOC Officer but due to his hard work and dedication to the organization Julio was shooting through the ranks in a year, and he became a DOC Supervisor. Another year passed and the government felt that Julio was such a major asset to the organization that they would promote him to USSS Special Agent without his knowledge he just went to work and went to put on his uniform where his newly found friend Poppy told him that's not his uniform anymore and that he had been promoted. Even After there was a New governor Julio was one of the first ones they called back. Julio work for the government for about two months before he had to take a forced vacation due to his being shot in the left eye. Julio had to get surgery on his eye, he had to get a cybernetic eye that is in the trial phase to replace his missing eye. After 7 months of rehabilitation and recovery, Julio returned to the government and got his old job back after a month of being back from recovery it was time for a new governor. After the elections the new governor was elected and once again Julio was one of the first ones to be called back but this time the position he got was Deputy Director of USSS, now Julio and his new responsibilities are doing the best he can to make USSS great. After a few years, Julio continued to climb the ranks from Being Minister of Homeland Security to Being Speaker of the state congress and deputy governor. Julio is now retired from the government and after 5 years of retirement decided to come out of retirement and join LSPD's Internal Affairs department.

1. Julio can live in a ghetto area because of his lifestyle and his mannerism.
2. Julio Ortiz doesn’t have to wear a Uniform 24/7 in any Legal Org for Classified Reasons, Only time Julio Has to Wear uniforms is during events. and the non-uniform outfit he wears is something similar
3. Julio Ortiz can 1v2 due to his cybernetic eye increasing his reaction speed and eyesight but only if he has his gun out already.
4. Julio Ortiz also has a 24/7 bodycam due to his cybernetic eye recording and uploading to his cloud at all times but he has to turn it on every morning.
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Lily Blixky

Best Leader
Jun 14, 2022
Approved, Pablo can you reject Snowwey Krays and Sam Williams.
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Pablo Schmidt

Do i know u?
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 27, 2021
Bio Approved
However, Outcome 2: Rejected

Remember, You can still get punished ICLY
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