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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Draven Pluxury
Administrators nickname
Sam Pluxury
Sep 2, 2022

Draven Pluxury

Monkey Boss
Aug 6, 2021

Sam did not reply for arthur disrespect me and he said he will ban for lying to admin what im lying. leader have some issue in irl so he did not give deputy role in game to me. you can ask leader of vagos, how am i lying and the gang punishment he said gang punishments is based on the situation. but the leader mixing aki old senior crime told me to give full warn for gang but now arthur was senior crime he said leader mixing verbal

How is different situation mixing is mixing. leader rule break is Warning as per old senior curator crime. cause old families leader did mixing and they got gang warning but now leader rule break (Same mixing) but its verbal and sam how is its different rule break?

Sam literally ignored the part was arthur senior crime disrespect me in official GRP discord front of everyone.
all the proof in that forum. and sam im not lying its all in proof

Mazhor please take good decision...

Deshawn Disciple

Apr 2, 2022
Since this forum is directed for Mazhor, I will add extra notes. Mazhor, my situation was tough the last few days. I requested deputy roles for 2 ppl that were in my gang and about to make them deputy one of them was given the role and rank in game and the other, I had missed the in game portion of ranking him up. The other deputy made Draven rank 10 temporarily until I get home (which is in less than an hr from now). This issue mainly was resolved but still somewhat ridiculous that an admin is speaking to a player that way. If this had been the inverse and a player replying to an admin message saying “YOU are good at stealing the limelight” that would be a 7 day ban with no hesitation. My bigger frustration comes with sam, who chose to threaten a ban for lying to admins when that was never even a part of the issue or something that was discussed. Also said that Arthur’s comments weren’t directed at Draven, which is completely false. He replied to his message and led off with “YOU are good at stealing the limelight” this is a complete abuse of power and protecting someone who decided to make a mistake. Making a mistake is fine but covering for it is an issue.

Thank you for your time Mazhor.

Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021
i already talked to arthur and made it clear what he did was wrong and instead of telling me i threatened you, if you knew who is deputy in a gang as a leader this wouldn't be an issue and i'm not threatening you, it comes with as an admin, you requested deputy roles even if he was not a deputy fix that first.​

Arthur Mack

May 16, 2021

This was the reason why i personally handled your case. You were given the discord roles 2 days prior to getting the deputy roles ingame. I also contacted the gang curator about this,he said he didnt even know about this situation.

As a Senior Crime Curator,i have a system for the crime curators where they make a list of all the deputies.Your name wasnt in the list but you had the discord roles.

By the phrase "You are good at stealing limelight",it was just an expression/way of saying how you are always in the news. If you remember correctly,few days ago we spoke about a bug in dms and ingame. So we do encounter each other on a daily basis.

You should also concentrate on the VERY NEXT LINE I mentioned,"Got complaints". As a deputy of any org,be it crime or state there are particular things the player should follow.By he phrase "Got complaints" it was clear that the whole situation was brought upon me by several admins.
Oh btw,you knew you didnt have deputy roles ingame and still was silent for 2 days after getting the roles on discord?
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