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Sep 2, 2022

Cupido Prada

Jul 3, 2021
good evening mazhor
im here to talk about whats going on in italian server and i hope u can make some changes as players here are being treated diffrently and thats ruining the server and the fun for the players
1) i wanna talk about families leadership last time there was announced a families leadership was on the 5/04/22 the leader was choosed on the 6th april here is some proof and since then there was no announcement for a new leader .

2) there was a lspd leader and he has been leader of lspd for 1 week and for some reason he had to leave the leadership but he didnt got banned as the rules says u need to complete 30 days of leadership and the same guy after 3/4 days was leader of fib i dont think this is a fair decision after all its a admin decions and u cant go againts that so many leaders been getting banned if they didnt complete thier 30 days terms .

3) admins doesnt know the rules example:
i asked the admins if im allowed to rob people in weapon component they said no i cant its a ooc event
how weapon component its a ooc event? in every other server weapon component its a ic event not ooc all the rules apply such as fail rp /fear rp /non rp drive /combact log/nlr eccc by his wrong answer our rp was completely ruined

4) admins abusing thier commands /power
scripted you cant enter arena with body armour how this admin has a body armour in arena ? is either using some type of cheats o abusing his commands and i spoke with players and they said its not first time admin abuse his commands o powers here i leave a clip with proof of the admin with body armours

5) people get unbanned after they cheat on 2 th accounts
normally when a player gets banned for cheats on 2 accounts they get automatically blacklisted but here its different people gets banned and after few days they do ban appeal and gets unbanned and thats unfair people that gets banned for some rule breaks thier appeal gets rejected but people that cheats and destroy the server with cheats gets unbanned?

6) admins allowing people to do account sharing
ללא שם here you can see admins allowing players to let his friends log in his account to pay business rent its in italian i hope you can get someone translate it for u . why they are allowed to do account sharing and others are not? so many people loose thier business bcz they go on holidays and the business cant be paid so they loose it if they are allowed to do that other players should be allowed to ? we had similar case like this before and the person got banned and its unfair the rules are not the same for everyone . others proofs can be send private if needed about other players having 4 accounts and doing account sharing

i know its a long complaint and im sorry and i hope you can help the community as people are leaving bcz of this and we barely have any players left
i wish u a good evening

Cupido Prada

Jul 3, 2021
6. is not true the admin allowe me to sharing account to my vice bacz i got problem to get in the game and no one Successo to fix the problem. this is the proof.

The admin did his job properly.

And I also received a ban and cleaning of the money for it.

Cupid is lying here.
Admins can’t allow u to account share read the rules u are not allowed to share your account with anyone

Cupido Prada

Jul 3, 2021
6. is not true the admin allowe me to sharing account to my vice bacz i got problem to get in the game and no one Successo to fix the problem. this is the proof.

The admin did his job properly.

And I also received a ban and cleaning of the money for it.

Cupid is lying here.

here general rules in english
1.1 Created account is property of the creator, your account cannot be shared or traded. | PERMANENT BAN
1.2 Player is fully responsible for his account. The administration of Grand Role Play does not carry the responsibility for your own account. When access to account is lost (e.g. being hacked), your account will face the same

in italian

Cupido Prada

Jul 3, 2021
1.1 L'account creato è di proprietà del creatore, il tuo account non può essere condiviso o scambiato. | BAN PERMANENTE
1.2 Il giocatore è pienamente responsabile per il suo account. L'amministrazione di Grand Role Play non ha alcuna responsabilità per l'account del giocatore. Quando l'accesso all'account viene perso (ad es. l'account viene violato da terzi), il tuo account dovrà affrontare le stesse punizioni del punto 1.1.

Markus Swayze

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Jan 23, 2022
Dear cupido. I can answer you without problems to the first point. No kind of announcement was made for new leadership of the families for the simple reason that each leader completed all 2 mandates without abandoning it and as a result, it was passed to their deputy and so on.​
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