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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Andre Brown
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Sep 5, 2022

Andre Brown

Jul 8, 2022
So i have bin playing this game for some 60days and i love it, now im a active blackmarket seller
and this weeks have bin mad players just killing people in the Gz and im reporting it

Now i logg back to play only to see i have bin banned for 2days for break dancig for 12sec next to a a player who have bin killing and hiting people with his car
for hours bin telling him to stop, now it happens again thats when i runn out and check and its the same dude thats bin doing this and he lays dead on the ground i runn out and break dance next to him for a short period and then i do nothing i dont speak to him ore replay to him texting even when he is dead.

Now comone your banning players that respect the game and the rules, i simply break dancing for 12sec next to the dude thats bin clearly killing tuns of players at blackmarket, reporting it to admins
and only geting the answer that u need POV, i understand if i spit on him call him names and F word N word ore respond if he is texting but i didn't do anything of this.

banning players that play this game fair cuz a troll that is killing players in Gz and drivers over them over a period and then reports random players that comes out and check whats going on is unfair,

i hope that a break dance move next to a player that have killd tuns of players in this city at a Gz that cant be that harsh punishment

i understand if this was with a fair player that havent done enything, havent broken rules,
and i came up and spit on him ore called him names or responded to him texting

but this is a simpel dance move and i was not disrepecing a corps
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