- Joined
- Sep 15, 2021
- Messages
- 59
Family Name: Cash Cartel
House Number: 973
Family Leader: Burgs Cash
Family Representatives: Rein Cash, Twiggy Cash, Ricky Cash, Billie Cash, Sebastian Cash, Jeffery Cash
Family Leader's ID: 61680
Leader's Discord: BurgsCash#6168
Leaders forum account link: Burg Cash - Burg Cash
The Cash Cartel originally started as the 3 members wanting to make a difference, each flying to Los Santos from different parts of the world, looking to make a difference, Grow Rich, start a family, Make As many Positive Connections as possible, as They started making more and more friends, Neil Cash, Sebastian Cash, Viddy Cash, etc. They formed an inner family within "Slaughter Gang" Rolled together, and eventually wanted to split off and created their own Family with an even more of a goal and purpose, while keeping loyal to the friends they made along the way.
Now days the Cash Cartel has strong connections in the weapons trade and currently stands as the most successful Gun Cartel in the city's history moving over 500m of guns a month and are regarded as the best of the best in this field.
Family Goals:
- Make Positive Relationships
- Achieve Top 10 families
- Gain Family Businesses to help out the family Members
- Attend Sphere Attacks / Defences
- Attend Family Events
- Control of the Black Market
Daily Activities:
- Recruitment
- LEO Organizations
- Selling/Trading Cars
- Gun Selling/Ammo Selling
- Crop Growth and Tending
- Solar Panel Farming
- Black Market Presence
Family Ranks:
10 - Leader
Leader / Founder of the family makes the final decisions.
9 - Deputy
The Leader’s Right-hand, (2nd in Chain of Command)
8 - Underboss
Main Deputies of the family, 3rd in Chain of Command,
7 - Capo
Typically, the leadership position of the family, (4th in chain of command)
6 - Shotcaller
Highest Non-High Command Rank, Trusted members of the family.
5 - Enforcer
Typically, in the name "Enforcer" you earned rank following fam rules, teaching newer members of the family the rules of the city / family.
4 - Businessmen
Gaining Respect, making moves of your own proving your worth
3 - Hustler
Slowly but surely getting there, you're standing out amongst the bunch
2 - Associate
Your starting point still earning respect, learn the rules, listen to your higher ups
1 - Prospect
Official starting point (Just joined the family) Must learn the fam rules, Join the Family Discord, be active etc.)
Family Rules:
1. it is your own responsibility to know and follow the server rules, follow them at all times.
2. No Anti-AFK of any kind in/Around the family House or garage.
3. Stealing from family storage or abusing weapon storage is prohibited.
4. No subject of discussions concerning any rule breaks allowed in this discord.
5. Racism or OOC insults will not be tolerated to any degree, no second chances.
6. Do not disregard family cars i.e. letting them get towed because of improper parking.
7. Abusing your rank permissions is not acceptable.
8. Please show respect for your fellow family members at all times.
9. You must wear a family dress code at events.
10. Use the AFK & LOA channels, it takes 2 mins and then we don't think your ignoring when you don't reply.
11. No DM at the family Home.
Family Dress-Code:
Family Colours: Green & Black
Family Car Colours:
Family Colours: Green & Black
Best Regards
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