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Jul 28, 2022
1. Your name IRL-Shamus
2. Your age-16
3. Time zone- US CT
4. Average online per day-3-5 weekdays 6-10 weekends
5. Your Discord- CayoPerico#6681
6. Your Nickname-Jamol Valentino
7. Your ID-181974
Additional information
1. Leader of... Bloods
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1. I feel I should be Leader of Bloods because I have a lot of experience and knowledge from past gangs I’ve been in. I have learned from pasts leaders and HC about what to do and what to do and I hope to correct their errors. I have many goals for this term I know I can make come true. Such as 100% turfs and #1 turf team.
2. Becoming a leader would allow me to make everyone feel they are treated equally since this is something that is important to me, I would give out special % of profit from something like a hostage situation to people who made a important contribution, like capturing the hostage or say helping kill the LEO’s after the exchange is made bonuses for capturing a LEO would be 25k-50k depending on the rank of that LEO and a civilian will always be 15k.
3. Becoming leader would allow me to me have a new perspective of the game as I have been bc of a few gangs but never been a leader but I feel I could finally control one the correct way, on top of this choose the right people for my gang to have 0 warnings on the gang
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

If I became leader of Bloods I would be very specific on who invite to the organization not so much on your city level but how much you know about different RP situations. Making sure you know all of the basic information about RP, I would also work on making sure that all rules are followed and if a rule was broken and someone of the gang sees it, to report it to me so I can teach them how the scenario should have gone. I won't invite anyone who doesn't know basic rules, if you didn't know you couldn't shoot in hq, that's ok I will simply inform you that you can't and if I feel you can remember that, I will invite you. Overall I would make sure nobody is breaking rules of RP.

-Thank you for your consideration
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