I was banned for Admin disrespect. I dont have POV but i legit didnt disrespect Vansh. Im sure you can tell by the admins POV that i was being robbed , and ALREADY was comlying when he typed in my left eye to "comply". I replied by saying "Fucking admin , what are you talking about im complying". Vansh completely ruined my RP experience so i was upset. However me saying " Fucking Admin" isnt disrespectful. In America its not a fourm of disrespect and i meant nothing by it. However im sure this admin was colluding with the family that robbed me since he was there watching the whole thing the whole time.
Definition of "Fucking"
Definition of "Fucking"
- used to emphasize or express annoyance with someone or something. "
This is not disrespect. It was me expressing my annoyance with the admin for ruining the RP.