Hi, my name is Michael.
At the first time I want to apologize for my english.
I was just front of green zone (beach market) and some random guyz just shooted me and robbed me. There was about 5-7 people talking to me. Someone said run for a life and leave the area, so I went in to green zone and get punoshed for "running out of robbing"... Im sure i didnt do anything wrong. When they said "leave the area" - I left it.
Thanks for the answer.
At the first time I want to apologize for my english.
I was just front of green zone (beach market) and some random guyz just shooted me and robbed me. There was about 5-7 people talking to me. Someone said run for a life and leave the area, so I went in to green zone and get punoshed for "running out of robbing"... Im sure i didnt do anything wrong. When they said "leave the area" - I left it.
Thanks for the answer.