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Steve Scepter

One Man Army
Jul 31, 2022
Full name: Steve Loops
Gender: Male
DOB: 2/28/1999
Sexuality: Male
Ethnicity: African American
POB: Philadelphia
Residence: Los Santos
Father: Voxy Venetia
Mother: N/A
Weight: 160 LBS
Height: 6'2
Natural Hair color: Brown
Natural Eye Color: brown

Growing up:
Steve growing up only had 1 father and no mother, his father would push him to go outside and learn about the city to gain street smarts. Steve's father was a criminal a good one too, he would kill police for their armor and steal from fz to get extra ammunition to sell on the black market. Since Steve was in the city a lot he decided to join a gang to look cool and because he wasn't old enough to be in a legal organization. He would spend his days in gangs killing cops and robbing people in the ghetto while also hiding from the police. He always heard rumors about his father but never saw him.

Starting adulthood:
Once Steve turned 18 he decided to quit the gang life. He started to go into the city more exploring since he stayed in the ghetto all the time, the only time he really left was for store robberies. He was at a coffee shop one day and outside through the window he saw a guy getting arrested by a cop, after sitting there for another hour the same cop he saw arrested that guy came in off duty. Steve decided to talk to him and learn more about the city and its laws. They became friends and hung out almost every day going to bars, coffee shops, golfing, etc. Steve's friend who was named max died in a shootout with criminals who were wearing all black. Steve went into a dark depression after this he started doing drugs and sleeping 24/7 and considered going back to the gang life but he realized he would be standing for what killed his friend. Steve was at a gun shop to buy a legal weapon to defend himself legally since all his current ones at the time were illegal. But while he was in the gun store a bunch of people in black came into the gun store with what looked to be a hostage and took him at gunpoint and robbed the store, he got saved for 75k from the police because of his past criminal history they refused to pay more for him, once he was out of being at gunpoint he ran to a safer spot where he could still watch what happens while watching what happened they had a shootout with the police and some of the criminals died and some of the police did but while their leader was going to the car his mask fell off showing his face which revealed him to be his father the same criminals that killed his friend max.

Joining a legal organization:
Steve decided to join LSPD where people were supportive and nice, he climbed the ranks quickly with his final rank being supervisor before leaving. then he decided to step it up a notch and go to join FIB where he also climbed the ranks very fast making friends, making criminals rethink their crimes, and turning people clean. Steve became a HOD at FIB, he did his best to help employees be the best part of themself and hung out with some of them off duty.

1. Steve can search suspects for their bodycams and destroy them by smashing them on the ground. (using /try)
2. Steve can use Truth Serum people by injecting them to obtain info. (Using /try)
3. Steve can take 100k max bribes
4. Steve can 1/2 gun fights from past experience in gangs and FIB/LSPD
5. Steve can kill in and out of the ghetto on/off duty (Without RDM in the city)
6. Steve can Kill LEOS
7. Steve can get robbed/taken hostage for profit (100k max bribes)
8. Steve is able to rob ATMs
9. Steve Can remember people by voice due to listening to audio recordings from almost everyone in the city and from hearing gang members in the past
10. Can release prisoners from the dark.net task
11. Steve is biased towards family members
12. Steve can go to the black market to buy guns for personal or on-duty use ( Not able to sell org weapons at the black market)
13. Steve Can start a prison break when 3 or more family members are in jail.
14. Steve can drive off-road to get places faster (No non-rp driving)
15. Steve can process people without confiscating items
16. Steve Can lie about calling a lawyer and without identifying myself with an ID
17. Steve can take a bribe to lower the amount of time someone will get placed in jail (100k max)
18. Steve can escape being taken hostage by jamming the door to prevent it from being locked
19. Steve can use illegal items on/off duty (Guns, Scanners, Engine blockers, etc)
20. Steve can take criminal weapons from criminals after knocking them unconscious for personal/on duty (not while shots are being fired).
21. Steve can sell/buy weapons in the black market (Not organization items)
22. Steve keeps a hidden radio on him 24/7 just in case there is an emergency
23. Steve can kill people if they don't listen to demands.
24. Steve can do illegal activities with his family
25. Steve Can threaten people (without using OOC) to get his way
26. Steve can use PDA to gain intel about anyone/anything he wants.
27. Steve can accept contracts to break people out of prison
28. Steve can take org weapons off duty (without using them for personal use)
29. Steve has a bodycam on him that records 24/7 that's embedded to his clothing that can not be found or broken
30.Steve can leak legal org info to criminals for a bribe (50k max)

Pablo Schmidt

Do i know u?
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 27, 2021
Bio Approved
However, Outcome 1: You should have proper IC reason to search anyone.
Outcome 4: You still have to show fear when needed.
Outcome 5: Make sure you do not break Gen rule 6.15
Outcome 6: Rejected.
Outcome 9: Rejected
Outcome 12: Make sure you do not sell any org items at black market.
Outcome 18: Make sure to use proper RP commands in this case.
Outcome 23: Make sure you do not break Gen rule 6.15
Outcome 24: Make sure you do not fight against LEOs as a family member.
Outcome 27: You can take bribes upto 100k max.
Outcome 28: Make sure you do not store org items in car's inventory and warehouse.

Remember, You can still get punished ICLY
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