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Rejected Attack on Capitol with all Gangs | Marabunta

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Romeo Martin

Certified lady killer
May 17, 2022

Marabunta Grande

Marabunta Grande is a Salvadoran gang heavily involved in drug trafficking and is currently at war with the African American gang Ballas over the turfs, drug trafficking, and arms trafficking in Los Santos. Weazel News also reported that a recent shootout occurred between the two gangs in the South Los Santos ghetto area.

Marabunta Grande members can be found in their territory of East Los Santos specifically El Burro Heights. They can also be found hanging out in the LS River, specifically in East Vinewood near Mirror Park, and in La Mesa, directly east of Northern Rancho where they conduct street racing. They are mostly active at night, and often seen in groups, standing on the sidewalks or sitting on porches. Marabunta Grande members are very territorial and will attack if provoked.

Leader background story
From the very first day, Romeo Martin has always been in the ghetto, fighting for his survival every day, but no matter what, he wasn't scared of anything. As he was a very well-known personality in the whole city; FIB started targeting him and they framed him multiple times without proof and got him in trouble. As he was tortured by them like a terrorist he even got sentenced for murder but somehow he managed to escape it with the help of a corrupt cop. But this time he knew that it was enough and he won't let them treat him like this. With his bravery, dedication, and utter towards the ghetto he was always attracted to gang activities. As he has a very dominant personality and can influence many people to follow him, he always knew that one day he will be the leader of a gang. This was exactly when he decided to become the leader of Marabunta Grande and take an act of revenge and show them what they deserved.

10th of September was the day when Romeo Martin was framed. He was casually heading to Maze bank to withdraw the profits on drugs for that week. The moment he took the money out from the ATM, he was approached by 2 secret government agents which they stated that there is an ATM robbery nearby but that was just an excuse so they can have a "reason" to search Romeo Martin. In a matter of seconds, another 6 LEOs pulled to make sure that Romeo Martin will not escape; the money was confiscated and on top of that, his car trunk was searched and illegal items worth 2m$ were confiscated (drugs, heavy weapons, ammunition, etc.)


Romeo Martin plan is to attack the Capitol, the safest place in the state, most guarded, and full of money. He will rush in with all his people and the rival gangs and take hostages and ask for money. He will demand to speak with the governor to find a positive outcome for everyone. Meanwhile, when negotiations are going on, several heist experts will be cracking a huge safe on the 2nd-floor where the government keeps its tax money.

Romeo Martin, Furious Bolo, Fatih Nizam, Dylan Gomez & Moe Blixky will start to plan the attack.

1. Gathering 10 gang members from each gang to a safe house. (10 Marabunta, 10 Vagos, 10 Families, 10 Bloods, 10 Ballas.)
2. The safehouse location will be at "Slaughterhouse".
3. All the leaders will head to Black Market to acquire guns, ammo, and body armor for their gang members.
4. Romeo Martin will acquire lock-picks for the heist experts in order to crack the safe from DarkNet.
5. Meeting with 5 corrupted LEOs in order to start the ransom negotiations at the capitol.
a. Corrupt LEO #1 - Tyler Banks
b. Corrupt LEO #2 - Lucas Hollow
c. Corrupt LEO #3 - Leo Cage
d. Corrupt LEO #4 - Muz Traps
c. Corrupt LEO #5 - Barney Hayes

6. The gang cars will be placed strategically around the capitol so we can use them as cover.
7. The government will have to value the hostages life, meaning that we will use corrupt leo #1 & corrupt leo #2 as an exchange. Regarding corrupt LEO #3, #4 and #5, we will start money negotiations with the legal organizations. The government will not shoot at the gang members -> we will demand them to leave the capitol building in exchange for Corrupt LEO #1; as for Corrupt LEO #2, we will specify that we will start the negotiations only with the governor (Mama Blu).
8. EACH Gang leader will take a corrupted LEO as a hostage. (ex: Romeo Martin takes LEO#2 ; Faith Nizam takes LEO#1, etc.)
9. At this point, the capitol building will be surrounded by LSPD, SAHP, FIB, GOV and NG.
10. Once the governor arrives, Marabunta leader Romeo Martin will request from governor Mama Blu to call LifeInvader so an interview team can come with microphones and cameras as we (the gangs) want to transmit a message live to the citizens of Los Santos.
11. A speech will be ready and while this is happening, the heist experts will have enough time to crack the safe.
12. The heist expert will use commands like "tries to crack the safe combination | Successful" - RNG will be present and the safe will open only if the command will succeed 6 out of 10 times. (Romeo Martin will acquire only 10 lockpicks from DarkNet)
13. If the safe cracks successfully, 2m$ will be distributed equally to each gang leader (400k each). (there is a chance we will not get money at all)
14. Once the speech is ready, we will exchange the corrupt LEO #2 with the governor and from that moment, there will be a 10s countdown before a massive 10-10 will start between the gangs and the legal organizations.

1. Approval for the attack.
2. No high ground.
3. Juices, drugs, and painted weapons allowed.
4. Budget if the safe cracks - 2m$
5. Approval to take more than 2 hostages.
6. Approval for legal organizations to arrest the gang members if they fail the attack on the capitol.
7. Higher admin which can bypass the green zone only for this event.
8. More info detailed about date and etc. will be provided in DMs.

Talked With Other Gang leaders & corrupted LEOs
They're ready, Just waiting for Approval

Marabunta para siempre (En: Marabunta forever)
Attack written & designed by Romeo Martin
Last edited:


Dec 9, 2021

Marabunta Grande

Marabunta Grande is a Salvadoran gang heavily involved in drug trafficking and is currently at war with the African American gang Ballas over the turfs, drug trafficking, and arms trafficking in Los Santos. Weazel News also reported that a recent shootout occurred between the two gangs in the South Los Santos ghetto area.

Marabunta Grande members can be found in their territory of East Los Santos specifically El Burro Heights. They can also be found hanging out in the LS River, specifically in East Vinewood near Mirror Park, and in La Mesa, directly east of Northern Rancho where they conduct street racing. They are mostly active at night, and often seen in groups, standing on the sidewalks or sitting on porches. Marabunta Grande members are very territorial and will attack if provoked.

Leader background story
From the very first day, Romeo Martin has always been in the ghetto, fighting for his survival every day, but no matter what, he wasn't scared of anything. As he was a very well-known personality in the whole city; FIB started targeting him and they framed him multiple times without proof and got him in trouble. As he was tortured by them like a terrorist he even got sentenced for murder but somehow he managed to escape it with the help of a corrupt cop. But this time he knew that it was enough and he won't let them treat him like this. With his bravery, dedication, and utter towards the ghetto he was always attracted to gang activities. As he has a very dominant personality and can influence many people to follow him, he always knew that one day he will be the leader of a gang. This was exactly when he decided to become the leader of Marabunta Grande and take an act of revenge and show them what they deserved.

10th of September was the day when Romeo Martin was framed. He was casually heading to Maze bank to withdraw the profits on drugs for that week. The moment he took the money out from the ATM, he was approached by 2 secret government agents which they stated that there is an ATM robbery nearby but that was just an excuse so they can have a "reason" to search Romeo Martin. In a matter of seconds, another 6 LEOs pulled to make sure that Romeo Martin will not escape; the money was confiscated and on top of that, his car trunk was searched and illegal items worth 2m$ were confiscated (drugs, heavy weapons, ammunition, etc.)


Romeo Martin plan is to attack the Capitol, the safest place in the state, most guarded, and full of money. He will rush in with all his people and the rival gangs and take hostages and ask for money. He will demand to speak with the governor to find a positive outcome for everyone. Meanwhile, when negotiations are going on, several heist experts will be cracking a huge safe on the 2nd-floor where the government keeps its tax money.

Romeo Martin, Furious Bolo, Fatih Nizam, Dylan Gomez & Moe Blixky will start to plan the attack.

1. Gathering 10 gang members from each gang to a safe house. (10 Marabunta, 10 Vagos, 10 Families, 10 Bloods, 10 Ballas.)
2. The safehouse location will be at "Slaughterhouse".
3. All the leaders will head to Black Market to acquire guns, ammo, and body armor for their gang members.
4. Romeo Martin will acquire lock-picks for the heist experts in order to crack the safe from DarkNet.
5. Meeting with 5 corrupted LEOs in order to start the ransom negotiations at the capitol.
a. Corrupt LEO #1 - Tyler Banks
b. Corrupt LEO #2 - Lucas Hollow
c. Corrupt LEO #3 - Leo Cage
d. Corrupt LEO #4 - Muz Traps
c. Corrupt LEO #5 - Barney Hayes

6. The gang cars will be placed strategically around the capitol so we can use them as cover.
7. The government will have to value the hostages life, meaning that we will use corrupt leo #1 & corrupt leo #2 as an exchange. Regarding corrupt LEO #3, #4 and #5, we will start money negotiations with the legal organizations. The government will not shoot at the gang members -> we will demand them to leave the capitol building in exchange for Corrupt LEO #1; as for Corrupt LEO #2, we will specify that we will start the negotiations only with the governor (Mama Blu).
8. EACH Gang leader will take a corrupted LEO as a hostage. (ex: Romeo Martin takes LEO#2 ; Faith Nizam takes LEO#1, etc.)
9. At this point, the capitol building will be surrounded by LSPD, SAHP, FIB, GOV and NG.
10. Once the governor arrives, Marabunta leader Romeo Martin will request from governor Mama Blu to call LifeInvader so an interview team can come with microphones and cameras as we (the gangs) want to transmit a message live to the citizens of Los Santos.
11. A speech will be ready and while this is happening, the heist experts will have enough time to crack the safe.
12. The heist expert will use commands like "tries to crack the safe combination | Successful" - RNG will be present and the safe will open only if the command will succeed 6 out of 10 times. (Romeo Martin will acquire only 10 lockpicks from DarkNet)
13. If the safe cracks successfully, 2m$ will be distributed equally to each gang leader (400k each). (there is a chance we will not get money at all)
14. Once the speech is ready, we will exchange the corrupt LEO #2 with the governor and from that moment, there will be a 10s countdown before a massive 10-10 will start between the gangs and the legal organizations.

1. Approval for the attack.
2. No high ground.
3. Juices, drugs, and painted weapons allowed.
4. Budget if the safe cracks - 2m$
5. Approval to take more than 2 hostages.
6. Approval for legal organizations to arrest the gang members if they fail the attack on the capitol.
7. Higher admin which can bypass the green zone only for this event.
8. More info detailed about date and etc. will be provided in DMs.

Talked With Other Gang leaders & corrupted LEOs
They're ready, Just waiting for Approval

Marabunta para siempre (En: Marabunta forever)
Attack written & designed by Romeo Martin
That training I gave u came in clutch lmao

Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021
If you want to include all the gangs, every gangs need to have a leader.​
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