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May Wolf

Nov 11, 2021
<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/BWGxvma" data-context="false" ><a href="//imgur.com/a/BWGxvma"></a></blockquote><script async src="//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Family Name: Wall Street
Family CEO: May Wolf | 1042
Family House Number: 96
Family Owner Forum profile link:
Family Owner Discord: iMaybeSantos#2131

Wall Street Story

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away
The grinders grew in the ghetto hidden away.
they dealt drugs and joined gangs.
They did the job, money came with ease
But they couldn't stop, it's like they had a disease
They robbed another and another and their sista and her brotha
Tried to rob a man who was P.D's undercover
They managed to escape, liquidate, change identity and keep it straight.
The family is the focus the money was already great.
they got in search of something great

High in the clouds, May starting spitting .

First class, yo, ain't that bad
as he Drank orange juice out of a champagne glass
if this what the rich in los santos living like
how about our island neighbors, lets take the flight.

2 years later

Two days before they are breaking news in los santos that their bad ass pollos hermanos restaurant is coming to town( a cover up to wash their money from the "pineapples" (( drugs )) they sold) Jack and Maybe (Jack Wolf and May Wolf) and their three friends (Joey, Zee, Isaiah,) flew to the neighboring cities caisno.

After a heavy night of drinking and a few Quaaludes later, poor financial decisions were made by the lot of them. They had burned cash ( literally and figuratively ) and found themselves pocket broke to purchase fuel to fly back...that type of broke....but they are not stupid....they followed the game plan..as may so eloquently stated

"How The F*** Else Are You Supposed get rich and have fun doing it?
Cocaine And Hookers, My Friends."
Hours later, as promised, the new city had seeded their addiction once again and they hit

Jack shouted to the cab driver

"Back to celebrate at the tables and slots, ill pay for the booze and same with the thots."

" Calm down Dr. Seuss " said Zee while Joey contemplated if he was going to strangle jack or double down with him on bids and tips. Isaiah just chilled in the back not sure if his fake mclovin ID would let him in the unicorn.

At the casino things went south as expected but isaiah managed to sell a pen to a drunk, a challenge we had set earlier to buffen him up. Well the dam pen was sold to a stranger that was drunk..it gets better...for $80 this guy was promised pen filled with luck, fashion and function all bundled up..
Isaiah did great..The stranger goes to the ATM and pulled out $80...only he made that mistake many make....a zero was added and made the atm owner easy cake....Isaiah being isaiah walked to the teller to do his exchange, came with the chips and detoured across the street. we all yelled no as he tripped
he dropped most of the chips. someone somewhere out there has got it on clip.

He said o well, shrugged and we got hit with disbelief..
he walked away sunk 20 chip into a slot machine.
$600m jackpot... and now they have a plan...
The wolves of Wall Street build on a new land.
Run a criminal empire and expand.

Conspiracies surrounding Wall Street and what exactly they do.

They go back to their roots and use their money to fund activity in the ghetto and city to increase profits of their pockets and those within their club, the other " hidden elite"
make sure their buddies are pampered and never undercut.

They recognize by keeping ghetto active means more guns lost, rentals taken, steaks bought, more of the neighborhood joins gangs for protection, buys gang clothes.

Wall Street is behind every major car theft activity that the city sees in efforts to brings money to Paleto bay when city dwellers go purchase insurance. This ensures the businesses on the way down there are being used by travelers up north.

Wall Street is behind highway robberies whenever they need to ensure business is going to one side of the island.

Wall Street is behind every major solar panel heist in the city. This ensures it brings their 24/7 stores business.

Wall Street is the shadow for everything kept hidden. They manipulate markets in every way possible. They do this and bring business to business in order to bring more money to their informal org which collects to true profits and funnels them back to Wall Street.

Wall Streets focuses on pressuring the competition to sell. Be it by intimidation or by giving an offer to good to resist. They focus on completing goals and money is not the obstacle...people are and they are not afraid to dispense of them.

Wall Streets informal org Host races where large lump sums of money are on the line

Wall Streets informal org will protect Wall streets territories at all cost.

Wall Streets investors and informal org will ensure the city has enough events to keep money and people on the island, this only ensure more money for them and their club.

Wall Street works with all families to find a fair deal and win the confidence and trust of other major families to increase influence of Wall Street, the more influence they hold, the more everyone in the club ensure the city markets are ran at their discretion.

Wall Street ensure they get involved in real estate purchases and clothing purchases.
They wish to hold, create and maintain the value of items and act as a vault, increasing value of the items held and the empire itself..
They will not hesitate getting all of Wall Street in bidding wars to secure auction and promise items to be sold to our friend.
Wall Street determine together what we believe clothing items and homes are valued at to the public.


1. Quaalude Runner
2. Money Maker
3. Game Changer
4. Wall Street Kingpin and Entrepreneur

5. Manager -Management in every dept lands here. From pay checks and HR to departments handeling combat, investments and expansion.
7. High Council - Voted by the owners to oversee all operations and vote. non capped but specially selected.

8. CEO's one per owner of the entire empire to represent their department and investment portion.

9. Empire Owners - - Leaders who own part of the empire combined.
10. President - The elected indvidual to facilite meetings, mediate deals, bring every empire owner together and ensure all is running as it should.
Set your goals high
Become unconsciously competent
Take action but with class not toxicity.
Learn to sell
Get rich quick
Set your goals high
Show respect and consideration for all members
No racism or bullying
No personal decisions
Try your hardest

Jonathan Thomas

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
Jun 28, 2021
Application Denied and closed
Owner of the thread made a duplicate
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