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Adam Baldlose

Jul 26, 2022

Family Name: Hill side Mafia
Family House Number: 1675
Leader: Adam Baldwin | 158902
Leaders Discord:broderadam#4875
Leaders Forum:Adam Baldwin
Family History
Through a series of misdeeds shunned and thrown out of different families due to having different beliefs and ambitions a group of friends came together to create the ( Hill side Mafia ). We felt the city needed a different class of criminal, from all the gangs and chavs lit up like a Christmas tree running around with their flashy guns and cars demanding attention from everyone and their grandmothers thinking their the big dogs, no the big dogs just entered, unlike these children we dont need flashy clothes we will let our actions do the talking, when their all at our feet begging to be part of it we will see who the big dogs are

Spreading name

Getting as many people in the family their own business

grow and take over

Family Rules:
- Follow all server rules strictly.
-Respect everyone regardless of situation
-Family clothing must be worn within all events
-If you want to progress in family you have to take part in events be active socialize with family and FOLLOW ALL RULES.
1. Friend of the family - new members of our family.
2. Associate - Members Learning how the family runs
3. Hitman - members who can manage events.
4. Mademan - Respected and influential members of the family.
5. Capo - Leaders of lower ranks
6. Consigliere - The Adviser to the boss
7. Supreme Council - Takes care of all family maters
8. UnderBoss - Leaders of all Capos
9. Boss - Takes care of family Business and Leaders of all UnderBoss
10. Don - Head of the family - Leader-

Family Clothes: Blue shirt and black pants
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