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Flame Kai

Active Member
Leader of unofficial org
May 12, 2022

Family Name: Mafia
Family Owner: Flame Mafia
Discord: Flame Mafia#6593
Family house number: 1384
Family Owner Forum Profile: FlameYT96
ID: Flame Mafia | 28402

Family History: A group of friends moved to Los Santos to make money and to be Rich. They worked hard but can't earn money that well. So one day they decided to join a family they stood there for a while and made some friends there but didn't get important in the family. They left with few more members and decided to make their own family and start from new after making this plan it took 1 week to gather money ad make a family and named it Mafia they were really happy but they faced challenges that other families raiding them but they didn't lose hope and focused on getting stronger it was a journey of one month but they where a level 3 fam and stronger than before.

Family Rules:
- Be Loyal and active
- Respect each other and high commands of the family
- Pull up all Family Events
- Any family member found to be cheating or hacking will be kicked and reported
- Don't break any server rules
- No Stealing from Family
- No Racism or discrimination in this family

Family Goals:
- Take part in the Top 10
- Build a reputation and alliances.
- To buy more business.
- To be the best family.

Family ranks:
1- Newbie - Basic family member.
2- Member - A member who is active in the family.
3- Gangster - A member who is good at robbing.
4-Shooter - A member who is an expert in aim and other criminal activities.
5- Marksmen - A member who will lead the robbery team.
6- Top G - A member who will deal in drugs and weapons.
7- Head of Events - A member who will lead the family events.
8- Deputy - A member who can rule the family in the absence of the leader.
9- Under Boss - Vice Leader of the family.
10- Boss - Owner of the family.

Family Logo:

Family Clothes:


Xavier Escuela

Jun 26, 2021
I Accept your unofficial ORG bio, thank you for applying,
enjoy and don't break any server rules, and don't go against the server scripts.
You will be given unofficial status within 48 hours in-game and discord.
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