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Babu Pluxury

Apr 12, 2022
Name: Babu Rau
Gender: Male
Race: Brown
Nationality: Indian
Date of birth: 01/01/1998
Place of Birth: India
Father: Zeeshan Mirza
Mother: Eva Mirza
Weight: 80
Height: 6'
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Brown
Facial hair: None
Tattoos: None: None
Sexuality: Straight
Favorited hobbies: Web Developer, Undercover, Travelling, Hiking.
Strengths: Can handle situation calmly, can make friends quickly and get information.
Weakness: Impatient.

Early Life
Babu Rao was born in a small village in India. His family was not rich enough for his school life and his needs but his family could afford him the useful things that he needed. Although he never complained and lived his childhood happily, after some years he passed his 12th with great marks and he had an aim to join the police force to serve his country and to overcome the slavery and poor life of the people of India that live in small towns just like Babu. Well with gods help he successfully joined the police academy and after some years he did managed to get selected to be a police officer, His work was so wonderful that after 2 years he got promoted and was transferred to another town which was popular for bandits, thieves, robbing, killing etc.

Babu joined LSPD but he didn't get training so he have to leave LSPD after so days he studied medical studies and started his journey as EMS employee after working hard for one and half month he became surgent and re-commanded FTO, then after he joined DOC (GOV) and worked harder and harder for 1 month working like 16 hours a day and became DOC secretary but after the at the ending the term of Government he joined NG and worked hard and became Captain of NG so same as Government at the ending term of NG he joined SAHP and got CID rank and chases many bad officer, so SAHP got disbanded again so he joined SAHP again and got Master Sergeant, After he goes to city and joined LSPD again to catch criminal in city and work as Lieutenant and begin his new journey.

1. Babu can Truth Serum people by injecting them to obtain information.
2. Babu can take guns off duty to hold not store.
3. Babu can use illegal weapons on/off duty.
4. Babu can take bribes up to 100k.
5. Babu can go ghetto off duty and kill and rob people.
6. Babu can accept contracts for breaking people out of prison.
7. Babu can ask criminals for illegal weapons/items.
8. Babu can sell and buy weapons/illegals in the black market.
9. Babu can use drugs on and off duty as well as undercover to fit the role of being a gangster.
10. Babu can lie to suspects about calling a lawyer and still process them without calling a lawyer.
11. Babu can plant drugs/Illegal guns to arrest them.
12. Babu can take part in family activities.
13. Babu can remove stars off of people and lower their sentence.
14. Babu can take bodycams off of officers and civilians and smash them with /try.
15. Babu can be Bias towards Friends/Family.
16. Babu can hurt people to get information out of them.
17. Babu can take the weapons off of criminals and use them for personal use.
18. Babu can use the PDA to give intel to gang members on a person and or plate.
19. Babu also has a 24/7 bodycam due to his cybernetic eye recording and uploading to his cloud at all times but he has to turn it on every morning.
20. Babu has the ability to take risks from high training in LSPD.
21. Babu can off-road in appropriate vehicles.
22. Babu can Pickpocket and rob people.
23. Babu can threaten lawyers/people to get his way.
24. Babu can be hostage for good amount of money up to 100k.
25. Babu has the ability to shut down the mainframe of DOC (this can be done by going to the main frame security area and doing /trying hacks into the system to turn off the DOC CCTV.)
26. Babu is always connected to the LSPD cloud via his PDA.
27. Babu is able to fight 1v2 because of his extensive LSPD/NG/SAHP SWAT training.
28. Babu can hack and fix PDA and bodycam.
29. Babu can process people without confiscating items.

Pablo Schmidt

Do i know u?
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 27, 2021
Bio Approved
However, Outcome 1: Make sure to use RP command (/try only)
Outcome 2: Make sure you are not using org items for personal use and also do not store in car's trunk or warehouse of house.
Outcome 6: You can have maximum $100k as bribes.
Outcome 8: Make sure you are not selling org items at black market.
Outcome 12: Make sure you are not fighting against LEOs as family member.
Outcome 16: Make sure there is no harassment or breaking of Gen rule 6.15(RDM)
Outcome 20: You have to show fear when needed.
Outcome 27: You still have to show fear when needed.
Outcome 28: Rejected

Remember, You can still get punished ICLY.
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