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Sep 20, 2021
Hello, first of all to explain the whole matter. There were pretty rich people on the server. (Triplesix)
Because I knew the translator of the Russian-speaking players well, he asked me before they left the server (new Russian server) if I would like to have a clothing store + Louis Vuitton pants in blue. Of course I didn't say no, which is also logical.
Since I was on the road with the translator anyway, we met Gurgen directly and he gave me 350k (as a gift) that he had on hand plus exchanged my ATM for a friend's clothes shop. Everything so far good. The next day 4 admins teleport me to them. One of them Max Wurzel, they asked me exactly what was going on and why I bought a clothing store for 350k. Then I asked if there was something wrong with the logs because I didn't buy it but swapped it. No Answer. Max said to me "We have a suspicion, maybe you want to explain it to us, I think you want to have fun here." Then I told him 1 to 1 how it happened and why. The next day I even asked again if I could still pick up the Louis Vuitton pants, simply because they would have been a present. Max just said "If you have nothing to hide, you won't be banned" who would have thought it, I was banned. (Although I couldn't even pick up the pants because none of them were online anymore.)

Now why I would like to be unbanned. The reason, I think, is pretty clear, I didn't send a cent to Russia just to get a clothing store. I got it in the normal way in exchange, which is actually not even a gift if you took the rules 100% seriously. I'm just stunned that it is banned so arbitrarily, although there is no evidence.
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