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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Players nickname
Bob Karlsson
Administrators nickname
Nov 14, 2021

Bob Karlsson

Sep 15, 2021
Basicly in the capture chat there was a violation of the capture rule 2.6 and if someone dont know what the capture rule 2.6 is then here its is:
2.6 Leaders must be informed in Discord no more than 30 minutes and no less than 20 minutes before it starts.
on the 14 of november and the ENG 2 The server administratior Arthur Mack decided that this > was not a violation of the capture rule 2.6.
Even tho as you can see Marabunta Deputy Sammy thrust posted the Capture request at 15:29 and that was 31 min before the time he put in to the Capture request
15:29 > 16:00 = 31 min
So its a violation of the capture rule 2.6 but the administrator Arthur Mack gave them a sort of "free pass" and that there would not be any punishment given.
So if marabunta will get a "free pass" and not get punished for a rule that was broken because they said it was a "desync with the pc" even tho we are going after the global timer of discord and not someones pc. And as you can see the evidence is right there that sammy thrust posted at 29 and it made it so a Capture rule was broken ( Capture rule 2.6) Arthur mack demed its not to be one. Also Aki Sixninez even said himself and admited to it that they/ the administrators posted 31 min before the Capture and here is the evidance:
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Then the next turf day
It starts of with the same thing happening. Marabunta Deputy Sammy Thrust posted the Capture request at 15:29 and that was 31 min before the time he put in to the Capture request and that time he got given a verbal warning for doing the same rulebreak ( Capture rule 2.6 )
About 2 Captures later i posted an Capture request and i posted 38 min before the capture was suposed to start.


Bob Karlsson

Sep 15, 2021
Basicly in the capture chat there was a violation of the capture rule 2.6 and if someone dont know what the capture rule 2.6 is then here its is:
2.6 Leaders must be informed in Discord no more than 30 minutes and no less than 20 minutes before it starts.
on the 14 of november and the ENG 2 The server administratior Arthur Mack decided that this > was not a violation of the capture rule 2.6.
Even tho as you can see Marabunta Deputy Sammy thrust posted the Capture request at 15:29 and that was 31 min before the time he put in to the Capture request
15:29 > 16:00 = 31 min
So its a violation of the capture rule 2.6 but the administrator Arthur Mack gave them a sort of "free pass" and that there would not be any punishment given.
So if marabunta will get a "free pass" and not get punished for a rule that was broken because they said it was a "desync with the pc" even tho we are going after the global timer of discord and not someones pc. And as you can see the evidence is right there that sammy thrust posted at 29 and it made it so a Capture rule was broken ( Capture rule 2.6) Arthur mack demed its not to be one. Also Aki Sixninez even said himself and admited to it that they/ the administrators posted 31 min before the Capture and here is the evidance:
Zoomed in version
full picture

Then the next turf day
It starts of with the same thing happening. Marabunta Deputy Sammy Thrust posted the Capture request at 15:29 and that was 31 min before the time he put in to the Capture request and that time he got given a verbal warning for doing the same rulebreak ( Capture rule 2.6 )
About 2 Captures later i posted an Capture request and i posted 38 min before the capture was suposed to start.

Accedentaly posted the rest of the report is here:
About 2 Captures later i posted an Capture request and i posted 38 min before the capture was suposed to start. And that was a violation of the capture rule 2.6 exactly like sammy thrust did but i did not get a "Free pass" even tho i broke the same rule. Evidance: i belive that Arthur Mack is biased to marabunta and i belive that he did not punish them becuase of him being biased to them.

Arthur Mack

May 16, 2021

Well there you go, when marabunta posted early for the first time(First day of capture). I looked at the POV and in his POV he posted correct only according to the GAME TIME but in discord time,it was 1 minute earlier. I cancelled their attack and then told marabunta not to repeat the same mistake or they will be punsished.

Yesterday, same thing happened and they posted early for which they got punished too. And First of all, you are agreeing to the fact that YOU BROKE A RULE and then not expecting a punishment? Before your post,marabunta already got their punishemnt.



I dont understand if they already got punished for the same exact rule break,why are not agreeing to the fact that you also broke a rule and accept the punishment?

There was actually no "FREE PASS" , we looked at his discord time and reconsidered the attack which was further given to ballas since he posted early. The punishment was not handed out because in his POV, he posted in the capture channel according to ingame time,so we told him to follow the discord time which is accurate.

Rest is the decision of higher admins.

Sam Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 7, 2021
This first mistake from marabunta based on ingame timings not same as discord was cancelled because they provided POV and they took in-game timings as an reference and then it was set as an example to not consider in-game timings and to consider global timings as it is more accurate,
The next day when both the gangs did the same mistake both were punished.
Decision has been done correctly, Closed!
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