we told this guy to get out of his vehicles, we had multiple people aiming guns as well as fam vehicles, we told him to get out of his vehicle and yet he backed up called for reinforcements and backed up more and then got out, when we revived him we then got back into his vehicle when we i told him to put his hands up
what about like all the Combat Logging from the scene hm? and also shooting FIB agents without Demands? does those not count as rule breaks in your eyes?
ALSO YOU DIDNT DEMAND THEM TO NOT CALL FOR REINFORCEMENTS Stop crying your family is literally the worst in that area, Running into Green Zone, RDMing every day
Please learn the rules before making any form of complaints. my agent was already punished for stalling, and the god punished 2 of yours for Combat Logging to avoid being arrested I also have POV from one of yours Mixing.
Lovely how your POV is edited to cut out certain peoples Voices to avoid showing your rulebreaks

Please learn the rules before making any forum compliant and make sure your family are following the rules PERFECTLY to the T and not F1 Quitting, Non RP driving, or mixing
Your exact demands was "Step out of the car" not "don't try and call for reinforcements" LEOs always carry a panic button on them at all times including IRL and in many other RP projects so its not PG that they dropped a global, you didn't give the demands to not do it, and he did it so there's no Powergaming. and as above states ID: 79276 was punished by the gods, and same with 2 of your family members was punished for combat logging. enjoy your family warning