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Arj Pluxury

"Senior Curator : Support"
Senior Administrator
Nov 15, 2021
Family Name: Pharaohs
Family Founder: Amr Ibrahim - ID: 1330 (IG)
Family House Number: 480
Family Leader's Discord: Argentiny#1733
Family Leader's forum link: https://gta5grand.com/forum/members/14266/


- Pharaohs
is the common title now used for the monarchs of ancient Egypt from the First Dynasty until the annexation of Egypt by the Roman Empire in 30 BCE,although the term "pharaoh" was not used contemporaneously for a ruler until Merneptah, during the Nineteenth dynasty, "king" being the term used most frequently until the middle of the Eighteenth Dynasty. In the early dynasties, ancient Egyptian kings used to have up to three titles: the Horus, the Sedge and Bee , and the Two Ladies or Nebty name. The Golden Horus as well as the nomen and prenomen titles were added later.
- in modern times, the title of Pharaoh was given to the ruler in ancient Egypt, in line with the custom of giving titles to the kings of the ancient world. Then it was customary after that to name every Persian king Kisra, as the kings of Rome are called Caesar, and the kings of Abyssinia are called Negus. Red, symbol of the North, and white crown, symbol of South, united in one crown, denoting the rule of the two countries and his dominion over them), meaning that he rules Upper and Lower Egypt. In conclusion, the word “Pharaoh” may have come into common use in modern times as a title for the ruler in ancient Egypt for reasons that are due to ideological tendencies and attempts at biblical interpretation from one angle, although the linguistic investigation of the term remains far from the fact that the Egyptian rulers were given this title.


- Pharaoh: Leader of the Family.
- Pharaoh Right Hand: Under Leader, head of everything, gets informed about every single article and makes desicions.
- Pharaoh Left Hand: Manages everyone under him, attends meetings a big key in running our day to day.
- Pharaoh Son: Special Killer, gets quest and completes it.
- King: Eyes of family, informatory, always in place when needed.
- Nebty: Manages or works in a legal part of the family business.
- Nymph: Manages all the lower ranks gives information to higher rank.
- The Sedge: At this rank members are already responsible to many things, they can rob people and use radio.
- Horus of Gold: Above from recruit, must help recruits getting comfortable in family.
- Bee: New recruit their role is to learn and be responsible.

- All these Ranks are taken from the ancient Egyptian civilization in the era of the pharaohs

- In the family, we have some ranks but members are equal in status, but each clearly knows his job and does it perfectly.

Daily activities:-

- The main Goal is our family must be on top. Pharaohs ON TOP!
- We are working this days to get our first family business and soon we will search for new suppliers of weapons and selling weapons on the black market buying and searching for components for clandestine weapons assembly and bribery of corrupt LEO.

Family Rules:-

- Respect all admins, family members, and respectful individuals you encounter in the city.
- Understand server rules so that rule breaks do not become an issue.
- Do not embarrass the family’s name or reputation.
- Maintain a family environment that promotes responsibility and self-growth.

Dress Code :-

- Only Red.

Arj Pluxury

"Senior Curator : Support"
Senior Administrator
Nov 15, 2021
Can you explain more about the family goals?
The main Goal is that we want to be number 1 and make our family feel more like a home for people by having more family gatherings and family events and build our assets and wealth.
Also we want to have members in high positions in every single organization, this way we can have a lot of influence in the city and we also want control over as many businesses in the city as possible.

Xavier Escuela

Jun 26, 2021

I Accept your unofficial ORG bio thank you for applying,
enjoy and don't break any server rules, and don't go against the server scripts.
you will be given unofficial status within 24 hours in-game and discord
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