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Umut Marcellus

Jul 1, 2022
Name: Umut Sarsilmaz
Gender: Male
Nationality: Turkish/American
Sexuality: Straight
Place of Birth: Chicago Illinois
Residence: Los Santos
Parents: Arnold Sarsilmaz and Betty Sarsilmaz
Weight: 245
Height: 6'3
Natural Eye Color: Brown
Natural Hair Color: Black

Growing up
Umut loved seeing cops/swat on the tv he loved the thought of being an LSPD swat agent he thought about this ever since her father(gone when he was 6 ) died in the law, he never knew her father's job as he was dyslexic and had trouble learning words he's dreamed of being LSPD swat since he was 6 when he was growing up he had second thoughts about being an LSPD swat agent. One Rainy day on her 11th birthday he was at home with her new mum and dad (They was fairly Poor he lived in the hood) he heard sirens outside and he looked and saw LSPD swat agents Raiding someone's house at that moment he was truly inspired to become a LSPD swat agent and at that moment her parents bring a gift out for her it was a mini little swat agent set of characters. at the age of 14, he was giving up on wanting to be an LSPD swat agent he had her first period and wasn't freaked out by the blood that reminded her that he wanted to be a swat agent. at the age of 16 he was eating take-out every night getting drunk going to parties one time he got her drink spiked at a boys party and was getting raped by a boy he was waking up but was too weak to move, he was bleeding internally. this random guy came and stabbed the boy he was getting raped by and took her to her parent's house, he was strongly affected by this and got into a state of depression and was sat in her room eating take-aways, he decided to clean her self up he started up by cleaning her room he found her SWAT action figures and at that moment he was reminded of that time when he was LSPD swat agents raiding a house and he got so motivated. a few months later he was back to her old self skinny and dressed right, he could fit into her old clothes, he decided to apply to multiple schools he got enrolled into vinewood high school this was a good school as it was in the city, he only studied on the thing that would be needed in the LSPD everyday when he got back home he didn't hang out with her friends when would study every subject and law to get in/to be in the LSPD when he turns 18 he aces all her degrees and made a job application to be in the LSPD

Umut first Job
After Umut applied for LSPD he knew he would get it since he was writing it for over 12 weeks and it was over 10 pages long sadly things didn't go the way Umut wanted it to go, LSPD didn't review it for months he checked it every day and was still motivated he decided to go into retail for a bit he saved up enough money to go on a holiday to Spain with her friends he had it on her calendar the holiday was in 2 months he decided to go and buy some clothes and get some grocery's for her mum and dad he saw a glimpse of this boy and got a flashback of her getting saved he ran out the store to go talk to him with clothes in her hand he was too late he biked away the store rang the police he said he would pay but these cops were racist and arrested her straight away after her parents bailed her out he had to postpone her holiday he went to a different store and got clothes paid and was ready to go he went out partying for the first time in a while a few months later watching tv with her parents he saw a program with swat agents on it he wanted to watch it but her parents said no he asked why and her parents said you know why and he didn't he decided to watch it in her room he was really enjoying it. he looked at her calendar and saw that her holiday was next week he was excited. he got to the airport saw her friends there got on the airplane he got a phone call mid-flight (he never turns off her phone) it was the police her parents have been arrested for making mass amounts of meth he broke down when he heard that he got a phone call at the hotel saying that her parents tried escaping jail and got killed he realized that her parents were bad and decided fuck them. when he came back from her holidays he had inherited 500k from her non-biological parents and spent it on a motorbike he decided to become a mechanic since he had the degrees he stayed in this job for a while, he found out he was rejected to become LSPD a few years later he was head mechanic he decided to reapply for the LSPD. a few months later he got a letter and it said that he was accepted he freaked out and was excited.

Umut job

Umut went through all the training in LSPD he was asked to be a detective he declined that as he wanted to become SWAT he went to loads of gun ranges and was sure he'd become an LSPD Swat and reached all the requirements to become LSPD SWAT, he got ready to do her SWAT exam he aced it like her degrees and passed it first try this guy he was a major of SWAT seemed familiar but he didn't know what from Umut was really happy that he was in SWAT he started being bored of SWAT but wanted to stay due to the Major seeming familiar he had the confident finally to go up to him and talk to him a few months later he became SWAT high command/ lieutenant and had the confidence to ask him out he said yes he started knowing him better and found out he was the guy that saved her he decided to marry him her
name changed to Umut Sarsilmaz. Umut Sarsilmaz and Emma Sarsilmaz are still happily married to this day but things didn't go right and they broke up.

Outcomes I would want/like:

1.Umut can use a gun without a serial number and not leave a trace.
2. Umut can go undercover in the city to do sting operations (with vest and balaclava to make arrest)
3.Umut is allowed to take some illegal weapons for himself from people.
4.Umut is allowed to take some of the bribes up to 100k
5.Umut is allowed to do anything illegal or legal that benefits him financially.
6.Since Umut is an HC agent he is allowed to carry her equipment (cuffs, weapons, radio, mask(s)) at all times.
7.Umut can drive off-road in a non-off road vehicles.
8. Umut Can lie to suspects about calling a lawyer and still process them without calling a lawyer.
9. Umut Can Pickpocket and rob people
10. Umut can take bodycams off of officers and civilians and smash them with /try
11. Umut can hurt people to get information out of them
12. He does not show the badge number if he does not want it.
13. Umut is able to fight 1v2 because of his extensive LSPD/USSS training.

Pablo Schmidt

Do i know u?
Deputy Chief Administrator
Jun 27, 2021
Bio Approved
However, Outcome 3: You should have proper IC reasons to confiscate weapons.
Outcome 5: Make sure you do not break any server rules.
Outcome 6: Make sure you do not store any org items in car's trunk and warehouse also do not use org items for personal use.
Outcome 7: Make sure you do not do non rp driving and VDM.
Outcome 11: Make sure you do not break Gen rule 6.15 also no kind of harassments should be involved.
Outcome 12: Rejected
Outcome 13: You still have to show fear when needed.

Remember, You can still get punished ICLY.
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