This family used streamsniping to their advantage, to know our strategy for bizwar to win. PLEASE POV REQUEST CRASH FAMILY FOR ENTIRE POV. They posted editted POV below showing the the end-half. The stream-sniping happened at the beginning/10mins before starting..
Usually I have 2-3 viewers normally, during events I get 10+ viewers and a bunch of people from crash family watching me..
Every time before event they come over and harass my family to get a reaction out of us.
It should be stated I record using Geforce Experience / I stream using OBS
Here is more proof of them in the stream:
ID 99301 was trying to bait my family into breaking rule "recruiting before event".
During this time I was muted, so why would this man keep coming up to me in particular and speaking and responding to me speaking through my stream? Here you see him clearly streamsniping coming up to me and trying to get into our family before event, which is baiting a report.
please see this video here: Replay 2022 10 23 19 59 32
and this video here
Here you have IDs 163577 and ID 161818 streamsniping me and coming to RDM me baiting reactions in my stream.
Here is a previous report of them coming and streamsniping us
Here is more POV of them coming up to us before events provoking us and streamsniping
Usually I have 2-3 viewers normally, during events I get 10+ viewers and a bunch of people from crash family watching me..
Every time before event they come over and harass my family to get a reaction out of us.
It should be stated I record using Geforce Experience / I stream using OBS
Here is more proof of them in the stream:
ID 99301 was trying to bait my family into breaking rule "recruiting before event".
During this time I was muted, so why would this man keep coming up to me in particular and speaking and responding to me speaking through my stream? Here you see him clearly streamsniping coming up to me and trying to get into our family before event, which is baiting a report.
please see this video here: Replay 2022 10 23 19 59 32
and this video here
Here you have IDs 163577 and ID 161818 streamsniping me and coming to RDM me baiting reactions in my stream.
- YouTube
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Here is a previous report of them coming and streamsniping us
Rejected - Stream Sniping | Crash Family
This family is in my twitch chat spamming random stuff I don't understand and then coming to my family house and RDMing us after streamsniping IDs 176284 202461 210556 109539 194611 193754 205504 108028 they bring 10 people to rob a car? makes no sense unless they are stream sniping and...
Here is more POV of them coming up to us before events provoking us and streamsniping
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