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Heiko Schindler
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Oct 27, 2022

Heiko Schindler

RIP Rainer Schindler
Nov 2, 2021
Dear Mazhor,

This is my last try. I know I spoke pretty badly about Justin and Lasdios back then, which bothers me too. I've tried to get in touch with Justin to apologize but I get no response. I think my punishment is appropriate and I understand it 100%, but I don't understand that there are quite a few videos on Youtube that talk, write or rush badly about admins and nothing is done about them. I've had this permanent ban for more than 4 months now and would be happy if I could finally get it removed. From my point of view, this can also be reset completely, but I would like to finally be able to write applications again or something similar without these contributions always being rejected immediately. I switched to State 4 because I really enjoy it there. I've been there for almost 3 months and have had 2 sanctions so far, I've never been cheeky towards admins or others, on the contrary I've always been helpful. I even submitted concepts that were very convincing. I would be very happy about a second chance and I promise that it will never happen again. I learned from my big mistake from back then and I would like to say sorry again for saying such things and not realizing my mistake. Despite all this, I wish you a nice evening.

Kind regards,

Heiko Schindler

Taro Banks

May 30, 2022
Dear Mazhor,

This is my last try. I know I spoke pretty badly about Justin and Lasdios back then, which bothers me too. I've tried to get in touch with Justin to apologize but I get no response. I think my punishment is appropriate and I understand it 100%, but I don't understand that there are quite a few videos on Youtube that talk, write or rush badly about admins and nothing is done about them. I've had this permanent ban for more than 4 months now and would be happy if I could finally get it removed. From my point of view, this can also be reset completely, but I would like to finally be able to write applications again or something similar without these contributions always being rejected immediately. I switched to State 4 because I really enjoy it there. I've been there for almost 3 months and have had 2 sanctions so far, I've never been cheeky towards admins or others, on the contrary I've always been helpful. I even submitted concepts that were very convincing. I would be very happy about a second chance and I promise that it will never happen again. I learned from my big mistake from back then and I would like to say sorry again for saying such things and not realizing my mistake. Despite all this, I wish you a nice evening.

Kind regards,

Heiko Schindler
Very Good Player!


Apr 5, 2022
Lieber Mazhor,

Dies ist mein letzter Versuch. Ich weiß, dass ich damals ziemlich schlecht über Justin und Lasdios gesprochen habe, was mich auch stört. Ich habe versucht, mich mit Justin in Verbindung zu setzen, um mich zu entschuldigen, aber ich bekomme keine Antwort. Ich denke, meine Strafe ist angemessen und ich verstehe sie zu 100%, aber ich verstehe nicht, dass es auf Youtube eine ganze Reihe von Videos gibt, die schlecht über Admins reden, schreiben oder hetzen und nichts dagegen unternommen wird. Ich habe dieses permanente Verbot jetzt seit mehr als 4 Monaten und würde mich freuen, wenn ich es endlich aufheben könnte. Aus meiner Sicht kann das auch komplett zurückgesetzt werden, aber ich möchte endlich wieder Bewerbungen schreiben können oder ähnliches, ohne dass diese Beiträge immer sofort abgelehnt werden. Ich bin zu State 4 gewechselt, weil es mir dort wirklich Spaß macht. Ich bin seit fast 3 Monaten dort und hatte bisher 2 Sanktionen, ich war nie frech gegenüber Admins oder anderen, im Gegenteil, ich war immer hilfsbereit. Ich habe sogar Konzepte eingereicht, die sehr überzeugend waren. Ich würde mich sehr über eine zweite Chance freuen und verspreche, dass es nie wieder passieren wird. Ich habe aus meinem großen Fehler von damals gelernt und möchte mich noch einmal dafür entschuldigen, dass ich solche Dinge gesagt habe und meinen Fehler nicht realisiert habe. Trotz alledem wünsche ich Ihnen einen schönen Abend.

Herzliche Grüße

Heiko Schindler
#FreeSchindler LG Sejay Smith

Kev Kilton

Oct 18, 2022
True words!
Just sad how players attack other players or admins in real life. This is just a game!
Like we saw with Justin Winter who got attacked by some player and they tried to get his personal information or all the hate videos about Ex-Admin Bec Howard and the personal information leak with her address and phone number...
Only because these kids are angry in a game and need to attack those people, I hope in the future someone does something about this and this player will get a punishment for their behavior against other players on this Server.
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