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Reviewed Leader of new organization--Education system

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Apr 9, 2022
I am applying as the Director role (Leader) of the entire Education system, but as its own organization (not as a component within another organization).
The education system is a unique entity within the city. It offers a literally endless resource of human ingenuity, skills and concepts for directing them toward enriching the public.
But what is the public? Depending on the topical content to be taught, the demographic may be restrictive to only a legal organization. Other times the resources could be generalized in support of multiple organizations. Yet other topical content would be applicable only to illegal organizations. Then again the content might be so applicable to everyone the entire general public would have permissions to partake. Anyone with a reasonable skill or concept willing to share with others can be considered for becoming a part of the Development Of Enrichment (D.O.E.). That typically translates to the individual having needed to already develop something to share, and honed to a mastery level within the city. That further translates into likely having attained a seasoned age within the city, before entering into the Development Of Enrichment (D.O.E.). But not necessarily all the time. Some folks are stand-outs. Some citizens are newer, but have experiences enough in real life or from other cities for being immediately applicable within our current city. But that is not the tendency: That is atypical from the mostly seasoned applicant.
A library system is the backbone of the Development Of Enrichment (D.O.E.). It is a repository of information in support for the teachers and administrators, while interacting with the public and their specific demographics. The library itself requires a staff to maintain the content and apply the required permissions in support of the targeted demographics. The permissions are requested initially by the teacher of the content, but finalized and implemented by the administrators of the library.
Although the primary role of the Development Of Enrichment is to better support the in-character members of the city, there are also real people out-of-character leading their in-character performance. Some out-of-character members are in real life students: Some primary school, others in high school and still others in college. Although not yet implemented, I would like to see the Development Of Enrichment (D.O.E.) to offer tutoring for those out-of-character members requesting improvements within their own real life studies. That translates to having a staff already versed in in-real-life subjects, who can assist with tutoring. In supporting members out-of-character with their education has the very real potential of improving time spent in-character within the Grand RP city: Better performance out-of-character can become directly proportional to better performance in-character.
There are schools, within the Development Of Enrichment (D.O.E.), which are already implemented and integrated within the city. Some of those are: Flight School and the Striped Shirt Society. I would like to see the Flight School become a broader scoped Federal Aviation Administration (F.A.A.) as a component of the Development Of Enrichment. The library system has already been established and is under development with some content (including permissions already applied).
There are many further possibilities for the Development Of Enrichment (D.O.E.) in becoming its own organization. I look forward to leading those possibilities.
Thank you for your consideration.

Yours in Leadership, Friendship and Service,
Aedwyllio Sarcucci

Lexo Vercetti

Respect Everyone
Jul 17, 2022
You can make a suggestion on grand rp discord on this if you want | For now no org named this exist
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