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Hype Rich

Sep 28, 2021
Organisation: FIB

Name : Hype Rich
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: Somwhere in India
Eye color:Brown
Hair color:Black
Tattoos: No tattos
Strengths : Honest,Enthusiasm.Creative thinking.Task prioritization.Discipline.
Weakness:Very driven by money,greedy

Life story:
Hype Born in Middle Eastern Part of INDIA , was a 18 when he moved to LA , with few of his Friends from india for better Life Opprtunities .
He with one of Best Friends Bucky and Mathew joined a Group Named Hoodrich , a white collared Criminal Organization . He Made his way up the ladder doing things that a LEO should not do .
Hype was not Famous but known to all in many Cities , After Flying into the New city hype now aims to carry on leagacy of Hoodrich , lead it and help all his friends to grow overall .
Being from a Crimeful Background hype now will be doing White Collared Crimes being in FIB , that to only that leads for his and his Family's Benefits .

Career story:
Hype has done his LEO Training from SAHP Training Grounds under Sheriff Mathew Jane , He has also played a Leadership role in FIB in other city as Chief of Staff .
Now after joining FIB , hype will be Doing Corrupt things that will help his Fam members in a way . Only thing Hype aims right now is Making as much as money from FIB and helping out his Fam members with the same .. So if any of his Fam members is getting arrested he will try to find a way out for them .

1- Hype can reduce sentences for family members, help them in escaping,
2- Hype can receive bribes depending on the situation .
3- Hype can sell guns which he picked up from gunfights (NO ORG WEAPONS OR GEAR)
4- Hype can sell guns on the Black Market
5- Hype can off-road in 4x4 vehicles, or any 4 door vehicle (FOLLOWING RP RULES,RP DRIVING)
6- Hype can participate in family events, Only the Events which are not against LEO's
7- Hype has a secret bodycam that always records and saves to a hidden SSD drive in his undershirt (using RP commands)
8- Hype can try to destroy any proof of corruption from other peoples bodycams (using /try command)
9- Hype carries his ID with him incase his family members get in trouble so he can get them out
10- Hype can use illegal weapons on or off duty .
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