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Oct 11, 2022
Family Name - Shade Family
Family Owner - Aux Shade | 3458
Family House Number- 108
Family Discord Owner - Aux#7402
Family Leader Forum ID - 1355864

Leader Backstory:
Aux Shade was born in London on the 9th January 1999. His mother's name was Samantha, and his father's name was Luke. He was abused as a child by his father. he resorted to crime on the streets of London he then moved to Los Santos got a job as an electrician and slowly made his way up to buying a house and getting a group of people together to start a family.
Family Backstory:
A group of friends who crossed paths working and exploring the city decided to embark on an adventure in the Los Santos city. They joined a gang together and made further relationships and gained a lot of experience during these times. They struggled and gained power and control in the Los Santos city. They tried everything to survive during the rough hard times in the street. They worked hard in different Jobs and different places and they came with enough money to buy there first house. They joined more gangs and made further relationships and met there soon/now wife's. Throughout the struggle they loved each other likes brothers and sisters. Once they had kids they made there own family. It started out rough trying to establish respect between other families but they eventually got there. We decided to create a family to make stuff more official as we all known each other for many years.

Family goals:
1) Take over the city and events.
2) Earn respect and gain money and power.
3) Do whatever it takes to make the family as big and powerful as ever.
4) Get family businesses.

Family rules:
1) Listen to HC.
2) Treat everyone with respect.
3) Be honest with everyone in the family.
4) Be proud of the family name.
5) Follow all the basic rules of the server.

Family Ranks:
{1} Freshy - A freshie means you just joined the family and your new.
{2} Roadman - This means you are tapped in with the family in the discord and has shown some loyalty
{3} Trapstar - This person means they are good at following rules, and we have seen them doing good in action.
{4} Shotta - This person is they have came to around 6 events and are doing well within the family and show good trust.
{5} Slinga - This person helps the leaders out at events.
{6} MVP - This person has been in the family for a while and when no captains are there control the events.
{7} Trapper - This person provides and makes sure the family have guns for events.
{8} Captain - This person leads events and makes sure people join them.
{9} Deputy - This person does everything the founder does when the founder isnt on.
{10} Founder - Ownes the family.
Family Logo: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1012718591906435133/1036673539295674428/images.png
Family Outfit: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1012718591906435133/1036676319997595799/unknown.png

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