- Joined
- Jun 24, 2021
- Messages
- 74
Family name - The Atkins
Family owner - Nathan Atkin | 36128
Family house number -122
Family Discord Owner - shipples6#0191
Family Leader Forum Link - https://gta5grand.com/forum/members/2705/
Rising from the cracks of ghetto, originally sheltered at House 385, The Atkins hurtled every obstacle that came their way. With a strong family bond ran by a husband and wife, The Atkins have been able to make it to the top of the family rankings while offering an environment that is accepting and homely. We are not just money grabbing entrepreneurs. Through various real estate deals and businesses, The Atkins have been able to fund their climb to the top. Their plan is to continue to use whatever resources available to them to prosper. From a single seed obtained at the farms to owning our very own cowshed. With 52 years in the city, Nate Atkin looks to maintain The Atkins prominence within the city.
How we operate: Atkin carries themselves with the utmost dignity and respect for others. That is until it is not reciprocated back. We never try to scam anyone and we make our money honestly. Dedicated family members from the lowest rank to highest, working tirelessly at our plantation, oil well and any other areas we may need to fill our freight train, is how Atkin stays afloat financially.
Our motto: Never Surrender!
Ranking System: 1. Associate- Grinds whatever is needed for the family.
2. Professional - Responsible for indoctrination of associates and upkeep of family house and profit collecting
3. Entrepreneur - Responsible for making money for the family. Making sure we are stocked up for our businesses and that we are maintaining them
4. Enforcer - Point on all events. Responsible for creating a strategic plan for each event.
5. Top Dog - Ensures Entrepreneurs/Enforcers are taking care of their responsibilities. Personal protection for high command.
6. Chief - An OG in the family. Responsible for taking advantage of lucrative business deals. High command and responsible for smooth family operations.
7. Vice president- Presidents confidant. Trusted with entire family. Responsible for building relations with other families.
8. President - Responsible for providing a clear path for success. Empowering the right members in the right ranks.