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Safy Heshka

Aug 16, 2022
Name: Safy Pluxury
DOB: 10/24/1996
Nationality: Turkish
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Place of Birth: İstanbul
Residence: Los Santos
Height: 7'3
Weight: 90 KG
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Facial Hair Color: Black
Discord: Safy#3946
Story of Safy :
Safy Pluxury was born in the Turkish in the city of İstanbul . He grew up in the suburbs, in a lower middle-class family. He led a normal life, earning qualifications in a variety of subjects.
These credentials would prove ineffective later on. His father was murdered when he was 15 years old.
He was significantly affected by it, soo he had decided to take risks in his life by moving to Los Santos.
He made the decision to join FIB and serve the community there.

Career Story: Safy started at Sahp then left to ems to help the community then made the decision to rejoin FIB and help out the community.
1- Safy can pick up weapons off the ground to use against criminals
2- Safy can process others without reading Miranda Rights.
3 -Safy can kill LEOs.
4 -Safy can process others without confiscating weapons.
5- Safy can to accept contracts for breaking people out of prison
6- Safy can change makeup whenever needed to conceal identity from others.
7-Safy can rob ATMs.
8- Safy can allow himself to be taken hostage. (bribes 100k)
9- Safy Can lie to suspects about calling a lawyer and still process them without identifying myself with the ID and without a lawyer.
10- Safy carries a PDA that is always connected to the FIB cloud.
11- Safy can remove a person off the wanted list, let them walk free, or reduce their jail time if he feels like doing so.
12- Safy can go ghetto off duty and kill and rob people.
13- Safy can buy/sell weapons in black market.( not org items)
14- Safy can search suspects for their bodycams, and destroy them by smashing them on the ground. (using /try only 2 times per situation)
15-Safy can carry Truth Serum and can inject it into others for information.
16-Safy is bias towards family members.
17- Safy can plant drugs and/or Illegal Items on suspects to arrest them.
18- Safy can confiscate items from others for personal reasons (not from vehicles).
19-Safy keeps a hidden radio on him 24/7 due to him being a FIB Agent.
20- Safy can use drugs and illegal weapons on/off duty.
21- Safy can receive bribes up to 100K maximum.
22-Safy can take on a 1v2 due to his experience in undercover training in the FIB.
23- Safy s eye records his bodycam 24/7 due to him having an eye replacement.
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