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Assasin Rich

Ex FIB Deputy Director | Ex SAHP UnderSheriff
Sep 16, 2022
Organization: FIB

Name: Assasin Rich
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: Lucknow
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color:blue
Hair color:Blue
Strengths: Witty, problem solver, leader, proficient shooter, and driver, will not make the same mistakes more than once
Weakness: Can go from calm to aggressive and loud, quickly - he's old and sometimes sucks at driving

Life Story:
Assasin growing up only had 1 father and no mother, his father would push him to go outside and learn about the city to gain street smarts.Assasin's father was a criminal a good one too, he would kill police for their armor and steal from fz to get extra ammunition to sell on the black market. Since Assasin was in the city a lot he decided to join a gang to look cool and because he wasn't old enough to be in a legal organization. He would spend his days in gangs killing cops and robbing people in the ghetto while also hiding from the police. He always heard rumors about his father but never saw him.
Once Assasin turned 18 he decided to quit the gang life. He started to go into the city more exploring since he stayed in the ghetto all the time, the only time he really left was for store robberies. He was at a coffee shop one day and outside through the window he saw a guy getting arrested by a cop, after sitting there for another hour the same cop he saw arrested that guy came in off duty. Assasin decided to talk to him and learn more about the city and its laws. They became friends and hung out almost every day going to bars, coffee shops, golfing, etc. Assasin's friend who was named max died in a shootout with criminals who were wearing all black. Assasin went into a dark depression after this he started doing drugs and sleeping 24/7 and considered going back to the gang life but he realized he would be standing for what killed his friend. Assasin was at a gun shop to buy a legal weapon to defend himself legally since all his current ones at the time were illegal. But while he was in the gun store a bunch of people in black came into the gun store with what looked to be a hostage and took him at gunpoint and robbed the store, he got saved for 75k from the police because of his past criminal history they refused to pay more for him, once he was out of being at gunpoint he ran to a safer spot where he could still watch what happens while watching what happened they had a shootout with the police and some of the criminals died and some of the police did but while their leader was going to the car his mask fell off showing his face which revealed him to be his father the same criminals that killed his friend max.

Career Story:
After moving from his depression he applied to join LSPD and suprisingly he got accepted there. He joined LSPD, learned fast from his senior cops and got very fast promotes and he was promoted to Major of SWAT. When LSPD disbanded Assasin applied for SAHP and joined there to remove and fight against criminals who do crime on the highways. There he saw cops doing bad activities and was influeced from them. Assasin worked very hard there and was promoted to Deputy Cheif . After that he left SAHP and joined FIB. In FIB he learned doing UC work and started doing Undercover work and was taking proofs against gang members who killed his father and his friend. The FIB members were very supportive and Assasin got promoted to Supervisor of department and he wanted to take revenge from the Gang members who killed his father and friend and show hsi powers to them.

1. Assasin is a sharpshooter and can take on a 1v2 situation due to his previous training from Karl.
2. Assasin can break the CCOP and arrest people for no reason "legal" reason. ( With RP reason )
3. Assasin Is allowed to be in illegale acitvites such as ghetto killing.
4. Assasin can get bribe of 100K to realse someone.
5. Assasin can carry handcuffs with him offduty and if he sees a crime can arrest someone (With a vest on him obviously)
6. Assasin eye records his bodycam 24/7 due to him having an eye replacement
7. Assasin can get himself taken hostage and take a cut from the person who took him hostage.
8. Assasin Can be very toxic sometimes due to his child hood.
9. Instead of confiscating items he will be able to take the illegal items for himself.
10. Assasin can remove a person off the wanted list or put, let them walk free, or reduce their jail time if he feels like doing so.

Asrin Kovacs

Coding my life away!
Server Administrator
Jun 27, 2022

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