Family Name: Dior
Family Owner: Shay Dior
Discord: Shay#9999
Family house number: 1040
Family Owner Forum Profile: Shay_Dior ID: 1149
Family History: Dior started out as a family wanting nothing more than helping out the community, until the city burnt its wishes to the ground. This built up a need, a need for vengeance, vengeance against those that betrayed them. Those that crossed the line and stepped in the path of a roaring fire. Dior would go on to rein hell on Los Santos. They terrorized the ghetto streets of Los Santos, with a desire to achieve greatness and power. The power that comes with bond and loyalty. With this being the building blocks of our family, we will achieve our greatest wishes, and build an unforgiving legacy.
Family Rules:
- Be Loyal and active
- Respect each other and high commands of the family
- Pull up all Family Events
- Any family member found to be cheating or hacking will be kicked and reported
- Don't break any server rules
- No Stealing from Family
- No Racism or discrimination in this family
Family Goals:
- Take part in the Top 10
- Build a reputation and alliances.
- To buy more business.
- To be the best family.
Family outfit : Pink and red sweatshirt
Family ranks:
1- New Dior - Basic family member.
2- Member - A member who is active in the family.
3- Gangster - A member who is good at robbing.
4- Shooter - A member who is an expert in aim and other criminal activities.
5- Marksmen - A member who will lead the robbery team.
6- Turfer - A member who will deal in drugs and weapons.
7- Head of Events - A member who will lead the family events.
8- Deputy - A member who can rule the family in the absence of the leader.
9- Under Boss - Vice Leader of the family.
10 - Boss - Owner of the family.
Family Owner: Shay Dior
Discord: Shay#9999
Family house number: 1040
Family Owner Forum Profile: Shay_Dior ID: 1149
Family History: Dior started out as a family wanting nothing more than helping out the community, until the city burnt its wishes to the ground. This built up a need, a need for vengeance, vengeance against those that betrayed them. Those that crossed the line and stepped in the path of a roaring fire. Dior would go on to rein hell on Los Santos. They terrorized the ghetto streets of Los Santos, with a desire to achieve greatness and power. The power that comes with bond and loyalty. With this being the building blocks of our family, we will achieve our greatest wishes, and build an unforgiving legacy.
Family Rules:
- Be Loyal and active
- Respect each other and high commands of the family
- Pull up all Family Events
- Any family member found to be cheating or hacking will be kicked and reported
- Don't break any server rules
- No Stealing from Family
- No Racism or discrimination in this family
Family Goals:
- Take part in the Top 10
- Build a reputation and alliances.
- To buy more business.
- To be the best family.
Family outfit : Pink and red sweatshirt

Family ranks:
1- New Dior - Basic family member.
2- Member - A member who is active in the family.
3- Gangster - A member who is good at robbing.
4- Shooter - A member who is an expert in aim and other criminal activities.
5- Marksmen - A member who will lead the robbery team.
6- Turfer - A member who will deal in drugs and weapons.
7- Head of Events - A member who will lead the family events.
8- Deputy - A member who can rule the family in the absence of the leader.
9- Under Boss - Vice Leader of the family.
10 - Boss - Owner of the family.
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