- Joined
- Oct 27, 2022
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- 48
1. Your name IRL: Miha
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: UTC +1
4. Averige online per day: 6hrs but weekends up to 10 hrs
5. Your Dicsord: MIHAAA 16#7010
6. Your Nickname: Lazer Stanojevic
7. Your ID: 191426
Additional informations
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
1. Lets first start whit my expiriance:
1. Ex. Hc of Ballas
2. Ex. Hc of Bloods and Deputy
3. Ex Hc of Marabunta
4. Ex. SSA3 of FIB
5.Curent Hc of Vagos
6.Ex Hc of SAHP in other city
7.I have a lot of expiriance not only in gangs also in state orgs I learned a lot of different thing by being in state orgs and also in gangs from state orgs I learned a lot of different rules arresting rules and most important for being criminal I learned how to very good negotiate and on other side from gangs I learned how to shoot very accuratly a lot of event rules and all other rules I am also very good in taking hostiges while I was in bloods I maded one very good system how I got a lot of state hcs like my hostiges so I have very good knowledge to help bloods be on top again like they were earlier
2.I think having best gang in city depends more of having a good hcs and deputys then having a good leader I mean leader choose a hcs and deputys so it is tied but however rn I have on mind oen of best RPers in city to be my deputys and hcs I was hc of all gangs ecsept families so ik how good leader looks and how bad leader looks so I learned from their falls and I think I learned enough good how to lead gang on some different events whitout getting people braking rules how to make 100% free passage on store robberies and ammo store robberies
3.I also want to make it have at least 50% of territories at all points and 50% of grafities at all points but how?? I would do t by giving leader of turfs and grafities to deputyes so I have 4 deputies one will have leader of grafities one leader turfs one leader of events (cland, store robberies, fz raids…) and one leader of recruitingso on thet way every deputy have its own function in which is best and in wich is interested on teht way we can make very strong rp in org and I am sure it will make org 100 times stronger and better
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1.I would make my personal list of questions theat would be used to invite someone in theat list of questions I would add ghetoo rules event rules some basic rules(pg vdm rdm mg frp nlr…) and I would ask for every f thaet rule at least 2 examples theat are on list (exp. Pg : You cannot search someone whit gun In your hands)
2.also I would make a wh logs so I can control who steals from gang theat will be whit format theat will need date and time of taking reason and screenshot of reason (example if I took ar whit reason for cland I would send screenshot of cland)
3.I will give bonuses because we all know bonus is thing theat most motivate our members bonuses do not need to be just money I would give guns ammo vests and promotions
4.i will also make sure only leader of gang and deputys can promote so there is not simpatising and promoting members of family…
5.i will make specific interview questions to become a hc so lets say rank 8 is hc if someone want to become a hc I would make a list of questions to become a rank 8 theat will have a lot of harder rules similar like you ask on leader interview
6.i will make a warning system warnings will be issued by hcs only and given for not complying whit orders, disrespect of hc…and be punished on this way 1 warning demotion 2nd rank 1 for 2 days and 3rd kick from org also every warning will expire in 7 days
7. also I would make sure every day at least one ammo store robbery and 1 fz raid and at least 3 successfully done clands
Thanks you for reading!!! Lazer Stanojevic
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: UTC +1
4. Averige online per day: 6hrs but weekends up to 10 hrs
5. Your Dicsord: MIHAAA 16#7010
6. Your Nickname: Lazer Stanojevic
7. Your ID: 191426
Additional informations
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?
1. Lets first start whit my expiriance:
1. Ex. Hc of Ballas
2. Ex. Hc of Bloods and Deputy
3. Ex Hc of Marabunta
4. Ex. SSA3 of FIB
5.Curent Hc of Vagos
6.Ex Hc of SAHP in other city
7.I have a lot of expiriance not only in gangs also in state orgs I learned a lot of different thing by being in state orgs and also in gangs from state orgs I learned a lot of different rules arresting rules and most important for being criminal I learned how to very good negotiate and on other side from gangs I learned how to shoot very accuratly a lot of event rules and all other rules I am also very good in taking hostiges while I was in bloods I maded one very good system how I got a lot of state hcs like my hostiges so I have very good knowledge to help bloods be on top again like they were earlier
2.I think having best gang in city depends more of having a good hcs and deputys then having a good leader I mean leader choose a hcs and deputys so it is tied but however rn I have on mind oen of best RPers in city to be my deputys and hcs I was hc of all gangs ecsept families so ik how good leader looks and how bad leader looks so I learned from their falls and I think I learned enough good how to lead gang on some different events whitout getting people braking rules how to make 100% free passage on store robberies and ammo store robberies
3.I also want to make it have at least 50% of territories at all points and 50% of grafities at all points but how?? I would do t by giving leader of turfs and grafities to deputyes so I have 4 deputies one will have leader of grafities one leader turfs one leader of events (cland, store robberies, fz raids…) and one leader of recruitingso on thet way every deputy have its own function in which is best and in wich is interested on teht way we can make very strong rp in org and I am sure it will make org 100 times stronger and better
3. Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.
1.I would make my personal list of questions theat would be used to invite someone in theat list of questions I would add ghetoo rules event rules some basic rules(pg vdm rdm mg frp nlr…) and I would ask for every f thaet rule at least 2 examples theat are on list (exp. Pg : You cannot search someone whit gun In your hands)
2.also I would make a wh logs so I can control who steals from gang theat will be whit format theat will need date and time of taking reason and screenshot of reason (example if I took ar whit reason for cland I would send screenshot of cland)
3.I will give bonuses because we all know bonus is thing theat most motivate our members bonuses do not need to be just money I would give guns ammo vests and promotions
4.i will also make sure only leader of gang and deputys can promote so there is not simpatising and promoting members of family…
5.i will make specific interview questions to become a hc so lets say rank 8 is hc if someone want to become a hc I would make a list of questions to become a rank 8 theat will have a lot of harder rules similar like you ask on leader interview
6.i will make a warning system warnings will be issued by hcs only and given for not complying whit orders, disrespect of hc…and be punished on this way 1 warning demotion 2nd rank 1 for 2 days and 3rd kick from org also every warning will expire in 7 days
7. also I would make sure every day at least one ammo store robbery and 1 fz raid and at least 3 successfully done clands
Thanks you for reading!!! Lazer Stanojevic