I was just chilling with my friends in the black market when he started to come towards us and said "don't make me beat you up" along with more Turkish word which were very insulting to me and my friends. My friend didn't take it lightly and felt offended with his remarks and started to comment back at him, asking him to "step out of the car". When he stepped out the car I asked politely with no aggression whether he was in a gang cause his clothes were red, but he refused to be nice and said that "it was non of your business you cunt" I feel that I've done nothing wrong in this scenario as it was in a RP scenario, this is purely PROVOCATION and with an intent to hurt other players with his remarks and yet I've been the one who has been punished. In all due respect, I feel that this case should be taken seriously and not be treated as a joke, the threads should've been seen and read through clearly, showing the whole problem during my encounter with this player.