Name: Eagle Kirigaya
DOB: 16 | 06 | 2001
Nationality: Indian
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Place of Birth: Uttar Pradesh , India
USA Residence: Los Santos
Parents: Both Deceased
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 170 lb
Natural Eye Colour: Black
Natural Hair Colour: Brown
Facial Hair Colour: Black
Early Life
Eagle parents got accidently involved in gang shooting, they were at the wrong place at the wrong time, Eagle parents got sent to the hospital and as Eagle watched as his parents dying at the hospital beds he saw the doctors not able to help them out as they was critically injured with multiple bullet wounds, Eagle couldn't deal with such tragic disaster that happened so too he decided to get away from his city and head to a new city to try and help out others, when arriving to the new city, Eagle wanted to help out others by joining EMS and becoming a medic and help out injured people to the best he could, while working there for a month Eagle saw there was a rise in gang activity and he could not stand this so he decided to quit EMS to become a cop, he had many friends in the city that was part of NG so he decided that's where can get a good start with helping out with putting a stop to the gang activity, Eagle worked in NG for over 3 months and felt like he wasn't providing enough help with in the city so he decided to join LSPD he worked in LSPD for a month and served great purpose to help stop gang activity.
Current Life
After years of hard work in LEO orgs Eagle became the Supervisor of Department in FIB and put in so much hard work to try build up a great LEO department to limit the gang activity in the city, he felt like he did the best that he could do and completed most of his goals and achievements, but with all that done he felt like he didn't get the respect he deserves so he decided to go to FIB and turn into a corrupt cop to start take matters in his own hands without the law holding him back and make people respect him and to get things done that he couldn't get done before.
1) With his great experience in driving and handling skills, Eagle can confidently drive any vehicle at high speeds and off road without the risk of injury to himself.
2) Eagle is biased to his own family members / Wife and can reduce their sentence or even take a bribe up to $100,000
3) From Eagle experience with his military tactical training Eagle can go 1v2 against anyone in a gunfight.
4) Eagle can go into ghetto off duty and kill people / Rob People.
5) Eagle is ready to become a hostage for a good amount of money.
6) Eagle can free prisoners from DOC when no-one is around for a reasonable bribe up to 100.000
7) Eagle keeps his org radio and org weapons/armour with him while off duty so he can respond during emergency situations / Global when needed.
8) 30. Eagle Can rob other Leos with family and friends while always wearing a mask.
9) Eagle Can take bribes from his arresting suspects and let them free or help them escape (Max of $100,000)
10) Eagle as an officer Can keep FIB vest and guns, ammo in his backpack 24/7. so that he can respond to any fellow Officers who require assistants.
11) Eagle can deny the request for a lawyer or can pretend he called for a lawyer, but one isn't available.
12) Eagle doesn't follow any law while arresting a criminal, he doesn't show his ID, read rights or provide a lawyer.
13) Eagle can kill any suspect that isn't following his demands whilst on duty.
14) Eagle Can search anyone's trunks for personal profit or gain (with IC reason).
15) Eagle Can buy and sell weapons or illegal items on Black Market but no org items.
16) Eagle Can Use Drugs and illegal weapons while on/off duty.
17) Eagle Has Special Eyeglasses Which Record Bodycam 24/7 and Is Always Active.
18) Eagle can plant drugs and/or Illegal Items on suspects.
19) Eagle Will have illegal weapons or items in his car trunk.
20) Eagle Can destroy anyone's bodycam by breaking it (/try Command).
21) Eagle carries truth serum. which she can inject into suspects to obtain information.
22) Eagle can kidnap and torture criminals/gang members in order to get intel, even with harsh treatment if required.
23) Eagle Will be able to get involved in criminal activity when undercover to gain evidence in order to build a file.
24) when Eagle is in trouble, he is able to pick up guns and ammunition while having his weapon out from his enemies and fallen targets, except when he is under heavy fire. (Not during gunfight).
25) when Eagle is arresting someone, and they have weapons/ammo/body Armour, he can tell them to drop it all and take it for personal profit.
26) Eagle can use PDA to gain intel about anyone/anything he wants.
27) Eagle can kill other LEOs off duty if needed.
28) Eagle can remove stars off of people and lower their sentence.
29) Eagle can process people without confiscating illegal items.
30) Eagle can hack into the DOC mainframe to shut down the systems.
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