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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Nov 22, 2022


Daun Tim Leader
Sep 3, 2021
Hi, i get a Warn for the following Reason: Fail RP/CL OOC Situation, i was doing some Battle Pass Stuff when he tipped from us for Say: you will get Demorgan for killing your friend in OOC Situation i Mean OOC Because im in my Garage where i cant do RP because nobody cant join in it, and for this it can't be considered RP Situation, anyway i got a Warn for Combat Log... Combat Log because the Admin wasn't answering to me...

Andy Lemon

MedKit Forger
May 7, 2021
I will tag my pov of the situation to the admins to review.
Noticed killing of same person over and over, went there saw 3 people fail rp killing eachother.
Then when the punishment's was dished out you logged off to get away from me.
Your pov shows you f1 leaving the game
Garages are rp ic areas. We cant kill each other in fib garage lspd garage or family house garages since they are open to ic families.
I was also typing the other punishment in the clip I wasnt ignoring anyone.
Thank you have a good one​
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Daun Tim Leader
Sep 3, 2021
  1. I will tag my pov of the situation to the admins to review.​
  2. Noticed killing of same person over and over, went there saw 3 people fail rp killing eachother.​
  3. Then when the punishment's was dished out you logged off to get away from me.​
  4. Your pov shows you f1 leaving the game​
  5. Garages are rp ic areas. We cant kill each other in fib garage lspd garage or family house garages since they are open to ic families.​
  6. I was also typing the other punishment in the clip I wasnt ignoring anyone.​
Thank you have a good one​
  1. Family Garages, cant be a RP Area because nobody cant join in it, only the Family Member.
  2. Fail RP in a Situation where nobody have started a RP Situation?
  3. The Warn was give to me Because i Logged Off in front of you? What this Mean. I didn't want to talk with you anymore when i was OOC and you give CL?
  4. I have Say somewhere i didn't do F1?
  5. FIB/LSPD Garage's are obviously IC, we are in the right dimension, but i repeat it, Anyway i was doing my OOC stuff and you become to give Punishment for a RP Situation...
  6. You think is a Nice behavior give the Punishment when the are talking to you? if you want be respected, respect Each Other

    Anyway have a Good Day you Too Andy, nothing wrong with you, but i want other opinions regarding this stuff!

    For the Admin that will get this Thread in Consideration PLS dont answer me "Answer Given Above" TY

Adham Pluxury

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
Jan 21, 2022
After reviewing the evidence and admin's POV, you were fairly punished. You as IC character, you should always RP, and relogging while admin is talking to you is not the best move to avoid the punishment.​
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