Dear admins of GrandRP,
First of all my apologies from breaking one of the server rules, I'm asking for coulance as I really didn't itend nor knew that I only could receive 5 mill per day. If I knew this ofcourse I wouldn't risk my account being banned for 2 months. It's not that I haven't read the rules, it's the first thing I did when I came to this server, as a matter of fact I joined the USSS who questioned and reviewed my RP skills and rule knowledge within the game, so I do know the most of the rules. I really didn't process the thought of it being against the rules because at that moment the excitement and the joy those new items gave me it didn't really allow me to think it through and make me wonder if it was allowed or not. After that I went to sleep and next thing I know is that I got banned for 60 days.
I'm not asking you guys to forgive me for rule-breaking but for really not knowing that rule, none of us did at that time. We are fairly new players who have experience in past GTA RP servers who really like it here on GrandRP. I haven't broken any other major rule ever neither showed bad or toxic behavior. I hope u guys will give me a fair chance to set this right and show you that I learned from the mistake I made. I'm not accepting nothing from anyone anymore, not even a penny
and ofcourse i'm willing to give everything back that exceeded the limit.
Thank you for your time.
First of all my apologies from breaking one of the server rules, I'm asking for coulance as I really didn't itend nor knew that I only could receive 5 mill per day. If I knew this ofcourse I wouldn't risk my account being banned for 2 months. It's not that I haven't read the rules, it's the first thing I did when I came to this server, as a matter of fact I joined the USSS who questioned and reviewed my RP skills and rule knowledge within the game, so I do know the most of the rules. I really didn't process the thought of it being against the rules because at that moment the excitement and the joy those new items gave me it didn't really allow me to think it through and make me wonder if it was allowed or not. After that I went to sleep and next thing I know is that I got banned for 60 days.
I'm not asking you guys to forgive me for rule-breaking but for really not knowing that rule, none of us did at that time. We are fairly new players who have experience in past GTA RP servers who really like it here on GrandRP. I haven't broken any other major rule ever neither showed bad or toxic behavior. I hope u guys will give me a fair chance to set this right and show you that I learned from the mistake I made. I'm not accepting nothing from anyone anymore, not even a penny
Thank you for your time.