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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Black Racoon
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Nov 23, 2022


Apr 25, 2022
Hello Mazhor,
I recently posted "unban forum account" thread on balkan forum.
As I mentioned, i was banned for a complaint on Abraham on grand forum. I wasnt using any vulgural or offensive words. I was expressing my opinions on how to make server a better place for roleplay. Abraham took offensive and banned me instantly.
I also mentioned that i tried contacting admins, telling them that i m sorry if he felt offensive. I couldnt message Abraham, I could post anything on forum.
I am still playing on balkan server, but also on english one. I am trying to play with full potential. I cannot play on high positions without forum or defend myself if reported inappropriately with pov.
As i was looking for unban, and if it wasnt possible, I was simply looking just for an answer for what I am banned and is it possible getting unbanned ever again.
I didnt get any answer for any admin, not even from you. Only thing I got from recent thread was "rejected".
I hope i would get an answer and see if I m going to be able to play with forum, without one, i cannot and will not play.
I am sorry, my complaint that I got banned was deleted a long time ago and I dont even remember what exaclty was in it.
I gave so much for balkan server, Ive been playing there for a long time, now I m trying to continue on english one if possisble since it has no connects with balkan complaint.
3 legal factions leaders supported me on my recent complaint. I am a well respected player and honest one. I fought for community very hard and i am still fighting to make servers a better place. I am constantly teaching new people, helping my friends even if i am playing with one leg. I see no reason why I wouldnt get atleast an "answer". To see if i did something wrong and not to repeat any mistakes i made.
I hope I would be able to play again normally.
My forum name is "Racoon"
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