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May Wolf

Nov 11, 2021
Name: Maybe Wolf
Gender: Female
Age: 28
DOB: 02/6/1993
Nationality: American , Great Great Grandparents came from South America .
Sex: Straight
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, Ca. USA
Residence: Los Santos, Multiple homes. Secret.
Parents: Trebek Santos(Father), Jackie Santos (Mother)
Height: 6'3
Weight: 160lb
Body Type: Athletic
Eye Colour: Black
Hair Colour: White

Motto - “To protect the sheep you gotta catch the wolf, and it takes a wolf to catch a wolf.”

Maybe was born in Los Angeles and at the age of 6 his father Trebek was killed in a gang altercation. Maybes family has been caught in the gang life generation after generation pledging allegiance to MS-13.

Maybe had shot her first gun at 10, smoked weed at 12 and at the age of 15 was hitting store robberies two to three times a week. As Maybe began to grow up, the gang became to see what an asset Maybe could be, not only was he street smart, he was book smart.

At 18 Maybe finished High-school, got accepted into ULSA with a full ride scholarship, and with the little money he had from selling drugs and illegal weapons he was able to buy two flight tickets to Los Santos and obtain a rental in “the ghetto” for a month.

On his arrival, maybe and his mother were greeted by a couple low level gang members who had followed them from LA to LS. They had the intention to drag Santos back to LA and work for the gang, In a moment of their distraction, Jackie, Maybes mom grabbed a gun out of her back holster. The gang member standing to her left caught this from the corner of his eye, spun right and pulled the trigger. Maybes mom fell to the floor and as the thud reached maybes ears, his world broke.

From this day on Maybe swore to get revenge.
He promised his mother he would do everything in his power to bring justice. He changed his degree to pursue a masters degree in criminology and swore to hit the streets, where it matters.

During his studies maybe kept his to the streets, began to understand the culture of LS as it was mirrored to that of LA. What angered Santos the most was all the fake gangster roaming around LS without an official code of honor. Santos comes from a background where honor among thieves was the pillar of the community and it seems LS was the exact opposite in this regard.

After graduated, at 23 Santos joined the academy and has worked his way up the police dept. He clearly understands the mentality of the law-breakers that She is battling, and uses this insight as justification for his behavior. She won’t take an insult, won’t be disrespected and will put someone in their place when it needs to happen. Shes has raw survival instincts, fast-paced charismatic wit and formidable impulsive actions have granted her friends and enemies on all sides. He has been described as a Tough and effective officer, valued for his fluency in Spanish and her knowledge of L.A.'s gangs and L.S’ gangs. She's has become respected among some members and leaders.

Outcomes -

Questionable tactics in fighting the criminal element, whether that means intimidating the "animals" with a revolver, or “roughing them up” with her fists, while She favors the legal justice, street justice is her guilty pleasure, She understands hurting pride and ego hurts more than jail time and a fine. She clearly understands the mentality of the law-breakers that he is battling, and uses this insight as justification for his behavior
Maybe be able to roughen up suspects behind closed doors given his trianing and ability to gauge how far is to far. -

Maybe wears State issued smart glasses to record everything She is doing.

Maybe wears a mask when on duty, due to his past and the degree he holds, FIB has hired Santos several times as a consultant and given the exposure to the gangs and his on going “friendships”, Maybe wears a mask for his protection while on duty.

Maybe has the ability to pick guns and drugs off the street. Maybe will return any lost PD items but will keep items dropped by gang members to add as trophies to his collection when it comes to taking illegal items off the streets.

Maybe has the ability to pick guns and ammo mid battle, She is trained in the field and is capable of finding cover and savaging for weapons when she is noticing she is running out of ammo. This is also done to limit what the criminals can pick up and continue using against us during battle. Since he ambidextrous and mid fight, he is able to pick up a weapon while running as hes not fighting and holding weapon with one hand.

Maybe will only show special preference to other family members arrested when and if they are cooperating, no leo life was risked.
A lower sentence will be asked for on the arresting officer or assistance to be given in reducing time at yard will be granted. Maybe will not allow immunity to her family, simply assisting the sentencing if they are cooperative

Maybe has the ability to be rough on criminals. He comes from the streets and is decorated to clean up the streets and has grown tired of playing mr nice guy.

Due to Maybes background with gangs, guns and training he has the ability to fight 2v1 situations where he has an advantage.
If two guns are pointed at her his training allows her to attempt to fight out of the situation.

Maybe may search individuals in his surrounding whiteout consent if probable cause is present ( criminal tattoo, gang clothing of 51%or more, gang vehicle, gang language, gang media on ingrand etc. , Maybe will announce a search is being performed and proceed.
This is part of her rough nature and justifies it so. She does not care about much procedures but cares more about her safety and getting the illegal weapons off the streets. People are dying daily, in her eyes, she rather make one persons rights feel “violated “ or get yelled at by her commissioner
than have another person mourn their mother’s death because a trigger happy took it.

Maybe may carry a PD vest with her at all times along with PD gun and ammo. Maybe is on call to show up on scene given that she is not always in uniform given the position and work she does. org items will be held with her, or her vehicles, given her positions always active and on duty status,it also allows her to carry multiple items to distribute to his team on the field when need be. -

Maybe may use personal weapons on the scene of a crime if no PD weapon is available

Maybe may use his personal vehicle on duty to complete her investigation / detective work.

Maybe would be able to work with informants and pay for information or evidence. -

Maybe would be wearing an ear piece when on the field to hear his team during operations with proper do/me completed and pov

Maybe would be wearing a microphone under his shirt when on the field to communicate with his team and provide commentary to his recordings/ feed.

Maybe be able to wear the tatoos on his face as they have served a purpose to help aid his efforts while undercover.

Maybe would be able to pickpocket an ID off a suspect as years of doing so has given him the ability to do this quick enough without any notice.

Maybe would be able to take bribes to either arrest and prosecute or use to open up doors for more intel or possible opp.
She is allowed to keep the bribe as a bonus. Upon taking the bribe.

Maybe is still free to charge and arrest them for bribery or anything else related to case after a bribe is received.
Having someone think they can spend money and buy themselves out of consequences only to still go to jail. is a guilty pleasure,.

Maybe be able to assist individuals at DOC with yard time, gym time and other special privilege's like furlough to obtain intel or push a case forward. -

Maybe carries truth serum with in his backpack at all times given his prior work in FIB and current work as investigations for the city.

Maybes position means many times individuals will need to be held and questioned for further intel or clarification, in such cases the PD basement interrogation room will be used until an individual is officially charged and arrested. When this happens, an individuals name is ran by the database and they are searched for illegal items for my safety and the depts safety. This includes any meetings taken down there, they will be accompanied with a search and name id database search given we are going into hq.

Maybe hangs out in the ghetto to network and further investigations / deepen his undercover work.
Maybe may assist his informal org but will use information gathered with family members to further his career and advances on criminals
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Jonathan Thomas

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
Jun 28, 2021
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