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Rejected Request for unban Negan Wright ID: 9585 @Mazhor Pluxury

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Jonny Tramp

Apr 17, 2022
ID: 9585

Game name: Negan Wright

Why were you banned: Blacklist (not cooperating with the admin team)

How long were you banned: Permanent

How long is your sentence left: 9997 days left

Why should we unban you?

First of all I would like to apologize for my behavior towards the admin team. This behavior, what I said there in these conversations, was just disrespectful and not loyal to the server! I was permanently banned from the Grand Server DE 3 on Monday, November 28th, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. for the reason that I have internal administrative information and I did not disclose this when requested by the admin team. My reason for this decision was because I've been actively playing on the server for about 11 months and during this time I've gotten hatred towards some members of the admin team and for this reason I didn't want to just give out this information at this time , but wanted something in return. And unfortunately that was the mistake, that's why Mazhor decided to ban me permanently from the server. I've been thinking about it very hard for the last 1-2 days and I've come to the conclusion that my behavior towards you was completely wrong. In return I wanted to get something from the admin team for the information. But it's about far different things, which I didn't understand at the time. It's about the future of all Grand RP servers together, because administrative information can cause a lot of damage, which can be very negative for the Grand RP project. Ultimately, I understand you with this decision to sanction me for my behavior because I have put a lot in danger, but I would like Mazhor to reconsider my punishment and maybe give me a second chance on the DE3 server I think everyone has learned something from a mistake they made and deserves a second chance. I promise to destroy the information I have because as a non-admin I simply cannot have it in my hands, as it can cause a lot of damage! Because if the sanction stays in place, I will lose everything I have built up in 11 months of work, car sharing businesses, golf course properties and a family. Furthermore, it would be a pity about my ID: 9585 account, because I have deposited quite a bit of money, around €5,000, and that's a lot of money for me. That's why I would like with my request that Mazhor let my sentence go over his head again and maybe give me a second chance to be able to enjoy RP again on the server, which I like so much!

Sincerely, Negan Wright ID: 9585


Oct 16, 2021
Please unban Negan, he really changed my experience on grand rp. He welcomed me warmy when I was new to the game and new to the family. My play time and the joy from playing grandrp, has only increased since I joined him. He was very sincere and kind to the whole group. We really played a lot together because we had him as a great leadership who also held us in the boundries of the rules from grand rp. Futhermore he was a great guidence through many peoples grand rp carrier. For Example, Negan taught me everything I know from grand rp. Also he safed us from a lot of trouble on grandrp because of his good connections with leaders or general people.

Mazhor, I hope you reconsider your decision eventhough it was very bold of Negan.

Negan we miss you.:)

Sincerly, Simon Sanchez ID:56432


Nov 26, 2021
Hey, Negan ich wollte einfach nochmal Danke sagen.
du hast uns direkt in die Neue Fam aufgenommen und sie mit uns zusammen aufgebaut wir haben mittlerweile so viel geschafft und nun bist du Blacklisted. Wir fallen alle ohne dich in trümmer. Die Fam bricht zusammen und durch das "zusammensein" in der fam wie es mal war hat es viel mehr spaß gemacht. Mittlerweile sind viele gegangen dadurch das du weg bist. Du warst der, der uns alle zusammen gehalten hat. Daher verstehe ich nicht wieso man wegen sowas eine Blacklist bekommt. Ich hoffe einfach nur das du Entbannt wirst und wieder mit uns am server 3 teilnehmen kannst.

Admin Team denkt doch mal drüber nach. Jeder hat mehrere Chancen verdient egal wo! Egal was man gemacht hat man bekommt fast immer eine 2 Chance und die sollte man nicht nochmal versauen. Somit vergibt doch Negan und gebt ihm auch eine 2 chance wie auch manch andere eine bekommen haben.

Mazhor I hope you reconsider and give Negan a second chance.

Danny Gotti [ 2483 ]

Andre Cures

Dec 13, 2021

hiermit ist dein Antrag abgelehnt.
Wenn du ein Antrag an Mazhor richten möchtest musst du das bitte über die Admin Beschwerde machen.
HIerzu musst du dann auch Curator of the Project Taggen und dort dein Text auf Englisch verfassen.

MIt freundlichen Grüßen

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